18-We'll lose (Avengers : AoU)

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Now we're all gathered in Tony's lab going over what just happened with Ultron

Bruce: All of our work is gone . Ultron cleared and used the internet to escape

Steve: Ultron

I look up from computer screen and sighs

Y/N: He's been inside everything . The files , surveillance

Peggy: So , that means that means he knows more about us then do about each other ?

Y/N: Pretty much

I stand up from the chair

Y/N: Did anyone of you saw Terminator movie ? 

Maria: I just hope that you don't wanna say that he's going after...

Y/N: Nuclear codes . Yeah

Rhodey: Right we need to make some calls , assuming we still can

Nat: Nukes ? He said wanted to kill us

Y/N: No sis , he didn't say killed

Steve: Y/N's right in this one . He didn't say killed , he said "extinct"

Clint: Yeah and he said he killed somebody

Maria: But there wasn't anyone else in the building

Tony then walks over

Tony: Yeah there was

He then shows us what's left of Jarvis

Y/N: Oh my god

Steve: Jarvis was the first line of defence . He would have shut Ultron down . It makes sense

Bruce: No . Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis . This isn't strategy , this is rage

Thor then came in and grabbed Tony by the throat

Thor then came in and grabbed Tony by the throat

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Clint: It's coming around

Tony: C'mon , use your words buddy

Thor: I have more than enough words for you , Stark

Y/N: Thor , put him down

Thor: He create this , Ultron

Y/N: Yeah and I helped him . Put him down

Thor then looks at me and then lets Tony go

Thor then tells Ultron took Loki's scepter

Tony then tells us that we needed Ultron to deal with threats that were like chitauri invasion in 2012

Tony: Guys come on , we're the Avengers . We can bust arms dealers all day , but up there . That's the endgame . How are we gonna beat that

Steve: Together

I look at Steve

Y/N: We'll lose

Steve: Then we'll do that together too


So all night we've been working to find Ultron , but we've come up with nothing

That's until we get a message written in blood from Ultron . He killed Strucker and he has the Maximoff twins on his side too .

After finding that everything that we had on Strucker digitally was gone , we start going through his known associates

We find some dude named Ulysses Klaue . He took some vibranium out of place called Wakanda

Y/N: Tony , i thought that your dad got a last of it and make a fresbee from it

Steve: I'm not gonna stop at your comment . Anyway , if this guy got out of Wakanda with some of...

We see Bruce come over

Bruce: I'm sorry , but what comes out of Wakanda ?

Cap , Tony and I look at Steve's shield

Y/N: Rarest metal on earth . And still , they've made a fresbee from it

After a bit more digging we found out where Klaueis currently operating out

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