44- Only two (Avengers: Infinity war)

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So after crash landing on Titan, we end up attack by a group called Guardians of Galaxy, really cool name, by the way

Peter Quill a.k.a Star-Lord, Drax, Mantis. And apparently they know Thor as Thor told them about the Avengers

We are now all gathered outside of the ship and we are coming up with the plan

Tony: Okay, Y/N and I have a plan

Y/N: More like beginning of one, but it's a start

Tony: We draw him in, pin him down and get what we need

Y/N: Yeah, we don't wanna dance with this guy. We just want the gauntlet

Drax the yawns

Y/N: Are you seriously yawning ?

Tony: While the two of us are breaking it down ? Did you hear what we said ?

Drax: I stop listening after you said "We need a plan"

Tony: Okay, so Mr.Clean here is on his own page

Quill: Yeah, you see "Not winging it" isn't exactly what they do

Peter: What exactly is it that they do ?

Mantis: Kick names, take ass

Drax: That's right

Peter, Tony and I looked at each other very confused by what was just said here

Tony: Alright, just get over here. Mr.Lord can you get your people to circle up ?

Quill: Mr.Lord ? Star Lord is fine

Y/N: Actually, I think I will go by assface, is that good with you ?

Quill: Not really

Tony: Look, we gotta be ready, because if all we do is come at him with plucky attitude

Quill: Don't call us plucky. We don't even knows what it means. Alright, we're optimistic, yes. I like your guys plan. Except it's sucks. So ket me make the plan and that way it might be really good

Drax: Tell them about the dance-off to save the universe

Tony: What dance-off ?

Quill: It's nothing

Peter: Like in the Footloose movie ?

He looks at Peter and smiles

Quill: Exactly like Footloose. Is it still the greatest movie in history ?

Peter chuckles

Peter: It never was

Tony and I look at him

Y/N & Tony: Don't encourage this

Tony and I look at each other

Y/N & Tony: Would you stop doing that ? You did it again

Quill: That's weird

Tony: Yes it is, I would say we are connected or something

Y/N: Yeah

Tony: Just stop it

Mantis: Excuse me, but does your friend often do that ?

We all look over to Strange and see he is floating in the air while he is surrounded by some type of green energy

Tony: Hey Strange, we all good ?

All of us then go over to him and he comes out of his trance and start breathing heavilly

Y/N: Hey man, it's good, you're okay

Peter: What was that ?

Strange: I used the timestone to go forward in time to see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict

Peter Quill: How many did you see ?

Strange: Fourteen millions six hundred and five

Y/N: That's cool, how many do we win ?

Strange: Two

Y/N: That's not cool

Strange: Only two

Quill then tells us his plan and we hope it will work

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