45-Battle of Titan(Avengers: Infinity war)

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One hour later

So after Quill told us his plan to trap Thanos and get the gauntlet away from him we all got into a positions

Right now Strange is face to face with Thanos

Thanos shows Strange how the planet looked before. Before its people went extinct

As I'm standing next to Peter, I can see he's quite nervous so I tap his shoulder and he looked at me

Y/N: Are you afraid ?

Peter: What ? Of course no

Y/N: I am. It's not wrong to be afraid

Peter: You are ?

Y/N: I mean, of course I am. But I know I have something to fight for, someone to fight for.

Peter: Let's hope this will work

Y/N: Yeah

We then see Strange get into fighting stance and Tony comes down and tries to crush Thanos

Thanos breaks apart the structure and uses the stones to turn it into metallic bats that chase Tony

Peter and I then drop down and shoot Thanos in the face with our webbing

Then I spin in the air and kick Thanos in the face but he knocks me away

When I get up I see Tony attacking Thanos so I helped Tony with attacking him

He tries to punch me but I bend under his arm then backflip kick him in the face

I then start punching him, but he grabs me by my throat and slams me in the ground

Y/N(painfully): That's not really nice, you know?

Thanos: You should keep your mouth shut !

He then grabs me and throw me in the air and I shoot out webs and launch myself back at him and kick him in the back

Y/N: Talking is thing that you do when you want to have friends, I take it that you don't want to be friends with me

Thanos: You dumb insect !

Y/N: And yet, I'm not insect !

Then as I start webbing him up a space ship crashes into him

Peter: Shit !

Then we all together come to Thanos in a lock

Peter and I web swing and we wrap our webbing around Thanos body

Peter: I don't think I can hold on

Y/N: Just don't let go, kid !

We then activate our spider arms and use them to keep us grounded

Mantis drops in and uses her power on Thanos to put him into trance

Tony: Is he under ? Don't let up

Mantis: Be quick, he's very strong

Tony: Y/N, kid, get over here and help me !

We stick our web lines into the ground and go over Tony

Tony: C'mon, she can't hold it much longer, let's go guys, I tought you guys had super-strenght

Y/N: Yeah, but this bastard isn't one of the weakest enemies !

Peter, Tony and I grab the gauntlet and try to pull it off Thanos' hand

Quill then flies off and lands down

Quill: I tought you'd be hard to catch, for the record, this was my plan. You're not so strong now, huh?

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