'our date'

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When I woke up, Johnny's jacket was still over me as a makeshift blanket but Johnny wasn't there. I sat up, sliding his jacket on, listening for any type of noise. No TV, no laughing, and no walking.
I walked outside and sat on the steps. Darrys truck was gone, and I assumed Soda was at work with Steve but Pony had been staying home recently, so I don't know where he is. It had to be around 11 or 12, the sun was shinning. Clouds were forming and falling apart all around it.
I watched people walk on the side of the road, sometimes making eye contact. Sometimes I'd stick my head out hopeing to find maybe Pony or Johnny but nothing. About an hour goes by and I get annoyed. I needed to change anyways.
I got up and left the Curtis house, closing the gate behind me. Maybe Johnny went with Pony to the park or something, or maybe they went for a walk. I kept my head down as I walked, getting a little worried about Johnny.
"Hey!" I turned around and this guy, a greaser I think was running toward me. His hair was curly and greased and he had a leather jacket on with dark blue jeans. "Hey sorry I just- Im Nick." I looked him up and down before a reply.
"I'm y/n." I started to walk again and he started to walk next to me.
"Could I um walk you home?" I looked at him for a second as I walked.
"Are you new to town or something? I haven't seen you around?" I didn't say yes to the walking me home cause it seemed he was already doing that. Which I was slightly grateful.
"Yeah I just moved in, I was kinda hoping to make a friend."
"So you decided I would be a good start?" I looked over and he nodded. "Hmm, well where'd you move from, Nick?" I said his name with a little of a tone. Nick.
"Just Oklahoma city, my mom got a new job over here." The last part kinda felt like a lie but I continued to walk. "What about you? You lived here your whole life?" I took a deep breath and made a left, him following.
"Pretty much, we used to live on the 'rich side' but things happen, and we moved to this side." He didn't seem to push for answers and that was nice. Especially when others would pry the truth out of me. My old friends would but as soon as I asked Johnny out they stopped talking to me completely. I didn't live far from the Curtis house which made it easy for me to walk home. I stopped walking and faced him.
"This your house?" He looked behind me at my house.
"Yeah." He smiled, pushing his hair back. I looked at the ground just waiting for our goodbyes. "Alright well bye." I turned around and started to walk.
"Wait, we could hangout again right? As friends?" I turned back around and instantly Johnny came to mind. What would he think about me hanging out with Nick? Someone he didn't know, let alone trust.
"Maybe." I turned back around and opened my gate, letting it hang open. Our car was gone so I assume my parent/s are at work. Before opening the door I turned and looked for Nick but he was gone.
The house was quiet, and my sister/brother was on the couch.
"Spend the night at the Curtis house?" I nodded and went upstairs to my room. I pulled Johnny's jacket off and tossed it on my bed while I went to my closet. I grabbed my plain black t-shirt and my black ripped jeans. I tossed them on the bed next to his jacket before falling back on the bed. I wanted to know where Johnny was. To just know he was safe.
I sighed and sat back up. My shoes were the first thing I took off, than my jeans and shirt. I slid my other shirt on and my jeans. I left my shoes off for awhile. I sat up on my bed against the wall.
Ugh. I thought about Johnny getting hurt but this time, no one finds him. I shook my head hopeing that wasn't the case. My eyes slid to his jacket, every crease, and every button.
Maybe a walk would help, one on my own. Probably just back to the Curtis house. I slid my shoes back on along with Johnny's jacket.
"Y/n!" I heard my sister/brother call. I ran down the steps to find Nick in my living room.
"Um yes?" I was stuck at the end of the stairs, confused.
"You dropped this." He stepped toward me and handed me my pack of matches. I took it and slid it in my back pocket.
"Thanks." My sister/brother and I watched him walk out of the house. Nick closed the door behind him and instantly my sister/brother gave me that look.
"What happened to dating the Cade boy?" I rolled my eyes.
"I still am. That was Nick, he just wants a friend." I went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water.
"Guys and girls can't be 'just' friends. Take a look at you and Johnny's friends, I've seen you around them. You don't talk to them or walk with them. You walk and talk only to Johnny." I sighed, setting my now empty glass on the table.
"Nothing is going to happen, I don't even plan to hangout with him again, not unless it's with Johnny." I walked into the living room, them right behind me.
"Good cause I like the Cade boy, as much as I hate Dally, Cade seems alright." I looked at them with a smile before opening the door and leaving the house. Hm my sister/brother likes my boyfriend. That brought a smile to my face considering my parent/s didn't like him at all.
I started my walk back to the Curtis house but eventually saw Dallas across the road.
"Dallas!" I ran across the street and started walking with him.
"Hey kid." I smiled thinking maybe I could build something, a friendship with Dallas.
"Where ya headed?" He looked over at me.
"To the Curtis house. Is that Johnny's jacket?" I nodded. "Cool."
"Do you know where he is? I haven't seen him all morning." The Curtis house was in view and i realized my question was useless. Johnnys sitting on the porch and stood up when he saw us.
Dallas gave a lil chuckle as he opened the fence, walked up the steps and into the house.
I looked at Johnny and smiled. He gave a worried look.
"Where were you?" I put my hands in my pockets a little nervous to bring up Nick.
"I walked home and changed. Where were you?" I put my hands on my hips like I was interrogating him.
"Went for a walk, thought about some things." He sat back down on the porch and I sat down next to him.
"What things?" He kept his head down as he played with the rip in his jeans.
"Bout you. Bout that picnic date I wanted to take you on. I stopped my two-bits and asked if I could borrow his truck." He looked just a bit to the left and there was Two-bits truck. I bit my bottom lip and gave Johnny a kiss on the cheek.
"Youre serious?" He looked at me and nodded. "Youre the best." I hugged him and he hugged me back. He looked me in the eyes and put his hand on my cheek. I liked when he did this, it put butterflies in my stomach. He kissed me and I couldn't help but want more. I slid my hands into his hair, pulling it back.
We kissed alot before we eventually pulled away. I fell against his chest in embarrassment. He wrapped his arm around me and gave a little laugh.
"Let's go sweetie." He stood up and grabbed my hand. I followed as we both go into the truck, and Johnny started to drive.

A couple hours later we got to the church. Johnny pulled down the back and we sat in the bed of the truck.
"Johnny?" He looked at me, a smile on his face, but a flash on concern. "Did we bring food for this picnic?" He looked at me, I assume caught off guard a little.
" Um heh I completely forgot. Im so sorry y/n." He rubbed his neck all nervously.
"It's okay, we can eat when we get back." I looked at my shoes, dangling back and forth.
"Do you remember the first time we met?" I looked at him, but his eyes were stuck on the sunset.
"The first time we met or the first time I saw you?" He took his eyes off the sun and her beautiful clouds.
"Tell me about the first time you saw me." I smiled and looked at the sunset.
"It was the winter after.. your accident. I was walking down the street. I'd seen you around before but never paid attention like I did that night." I took a breath before continuing. " I was worried about walking alone at night, especially after we moved. You and pony were sitting at the lot. I had stopped walking and watched you two smoke cigarettes. I must have sat there staring for an hour. The way you talked even though I couldn't hear, you looked so alive and free. It was the opposite of me at the time. I was closed off after the move, and I saw the way you looked at the stars, and the moon. Just everything about you made me pause." I looked over at him and his cheeks had turned a bright red. I did an akward laugh, but underneath was my normal worried self, looking at my hands.
"I can't believe I never asked you that." He lifted my head toward his and kissed me. One filled with passion and understanding. One that put my 'worried self' at ease. He left and licked his lips. "I remember when you asked me out." He gave me his goofy smile, while he tangled our hands together. "You walked up to Dal, Pony and I. You looked so cute all nervous. You could barely look me in the eyes. Stuttering, you asked me out. At first I didn't know what to say and all Pony and Dally did was nudge me in the arm. I know for a fact I was blushing. Eventually I brought myself to nod. And you smiled so big when I did. You started to walk off but I realized I hadn't told you my name. I ran up and told you my name, and you said-" I cut him off real quick.
" 'i know your name'." He gave me a quick little laugh before continuing.
"After that moment, I knew I wanted to know you. Know everything. I remember you telling me to met you at the lot for our date. I was late but you waited for me." He smiled as he leaned his head on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and remembered every detail of the day I asked him out.

After awhile the sun had gone down and left us in the dark.
"Y/n?" I looked down at him, as he laid his head in my lap. I hummed in response. "I met a guy today.. his name's Nick. He was moving in a couple houses down from Pony's house." Fuck. I should have told him. No I will tell him now.
"I met him too." Johnny sat up and turned toward me. "He walked me home."
"He walked you home..?" I bit the side of my mouth.
"He said he wanted a friend, I hadn't realized he already met you..." After a second Johnny looked away from me. Maybe he got the wrong vibe from Nick.
"Did he ask you to hangout?" He looked back at me and I looked at him.
"Yeah, but I didn't plan too. Unless it was with you."
"Alright, I told him about you." He told him about me? Did he come up to me on purpose? Was my sister/brother right? Ugh stop Nick doesn't fucking matter right now, just Johnny.
"Can we just forget him? I don't care about him." He smiled at me. Not his usual smile but a smile.
"Yeah, we should get the truck back home." We hopped off the bed of the truck and he put it up. Something was off.
"Johnny?" He hummed at me as he lit a cigarette. Putting his pack, back in his pocket as he looked at me, waiting for me to talk. I kicked at the ground before I looked back at t him. "Is something wrong? I didn't think it was anything to talk about.. i just I didn't think Nick was something." He rolled his eyes. " Ugh whatever." I went to the passenger side of the truck and got in, slamming the door behind me.
I looked in the review mirror, to look at him. He rolled his head back and blew smoke out before he threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped it out. He came to the driver's side and got in before slamming the door. I didn't want him to be upset with me.
"Johnn-" before I could finish he cut me off.
"Y/n.. I was talking last night to Dallas... He came back to the house after you fell asleep and we started talking." He kept his eyes on the wheel. "We haven't we you'know.. done it?" It was like a lump was now stuck in my throat. I tried to speak but nothing would come out. He finally brought himself to look at me, his checks pink. I could tell he was embarrassed to ask and me not speaking probably makes him more embarrassed. "N-nevermind forget i a-asked."
I closed my eyes for a second, gaining some kind of confidence I didn't know I had. I brought my hand to his cheek and made him look at me. I kissed him.
He slowly brought his hands to my sides and pulled me on top of him. I pulled back and looked in his eyes.
"Do you want too?"

Jean Jacket // Johnny X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now