'those eyes'

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  He smiled at me and nodded. I turned at the sound of a car. I tried to get off but Johnny just pulled me back.
    "Just stay." Eventually I recognized the car. It was Dallys car, or well Dally borrowing bucks car. Johnny looked over and I almost thought I saw him roll his eyes.  Dallas walked up to the car and knocked on the window. I felt embarrassed to be sitting on top of Johnny but his hands were like glued to my sides. And personally if we were alone I'd be fine with it. "What?" Johnny said as he rolled the window down.
    "Two-bit got in a fight. Said he wanted to see y/n." I smiled, Two-bit was like an older brother, almost like Dallas to Johnny. Johnny gave a me a look, like he was asking if I wanted too.
    "With who?" Dallas lit a cigarette with his necklace, blowing the smoke away from us.
    "Some greaser in an ally. He's at the Curtis house right now." He took another drag and looked around. 
    "Is he okay?" Dallas nodded and looked at Johnny, maybe looking for jealousy or something but Johnny wasn't like that toward the gang and me. He wanted me to be friends with the gang.
    "He stomped that guy alot worse. I found two and him in the ally. He was looking for you guys when it happened." Johnny looked at Dal then at me.
    "Alright we'll head over now." I hopped off Johnny and sat next to him in the truck. Dallas started to walk to his car as Johnny drove off.
    "I wonder what he wants me for." Johnny looked over at me for a quick second but turned back to the road.
    "Not sure, but I know youre close to Two-bit." I saw him smile a little but it disappeared.
   "Yeah.." I watched him drive all the way back to the Curtis house, every once in awhile I'd catch him looking over at me and it made me smile.
   We pulled up and I practically jumped out of the truck. Johnny behind me.
    When I opened the door I was greeted with Two-bit, he hugged me. I hugged back but with confusion.
   I looked at Pony who was leaning back on the couch watching.
   "I missed you." Twos words were a bit slurry like his words were slipping off his tounge.
   "Two-bit?" I pulled him back by the shoulders and looked at him. His jaw and eye were bruised and his lip was busted. I gave a weak smile, as he walked back. I figured two-bit would tell me when I think he wasnt drunk. It was then that I noticed Johnny hadn't walked inside with me. I poked my head out and found him on the steps. Smoking. He turned, looked at me and looked back.
   "Y/n?" He took another drag and looked up. I walked over to him and sat down. I watched him blow the smoke out, making rings. "What do you really think about the gang?"
   "I think Two-bits great, maybe drinks a little too much." He took another drag.
   "And the rest of them?" I looked at the ground.
   "I don't think Pony or Darry likes me much. Dallas likes you so I assume he has to like me. And Soda and Steve don't seem to pay much attention to me at all." I bit the side of my mouth, feeling a little nervous to talk about this. He looked at me, offering me the cigarette. I eventually took it and watched him.
   "I think they are just wary of you, really Dal is." He had his eyes stuck on the stars and honestly I didn't know what to say. "Scared for me.." I passed him back the cigarette after flicking the ashes off.
    "I want them to know I'd never do anything to you, I'd rather hurt myself than let anything happen to you." His puppy eyes  shinned at me, the moonlight bouncing off of them. "I want to be friends with Dal because I know you like him. When pony had told me bout you two running away, he mentioned gone with the wind. How he read it to you, and how you thought Dal was gallant."
   "I remember that, gee how could I forget then." He looked at the ground, I knew he didn't like to talk about Bob or running away.
    "I just wish Dal would think of me as a sibling and not a stranger."
   "He don't think of you a stranger." Johnny stepped on the cigarette and started to light another.
    "Johnny, why another?" He stopped, a match in one hand while the cigarette hung from his mouth. "I'm fine with it but you've been smoking alot lately."
   "Ive been thinking of going home, seeing my parents.." I always felt bad when he talked bout his family. I never knew what to say.
   "Why?" I didn't want it to come out mean but it did. He snagged the cigarette out of his mouth and I could feel his anger.
   "Cause y/n, their my parents, even if they don't care bout me." The way he snapped at me made me jump. I knew he cared about his family but the fight they had after Johnny killed Bob... His father beat him and his mother.. God his mother.. I shook my head, trying to shake the feelings I got about them. That was something Dallas and I could agree on, Johnny not going home. He'd go home every once in awhile but after getting yelled at and eventually hit, he'd leave, like that bruise around his eye. He'd never go home twice in one week though but now? Twice in one week.
    "I'm sorry." I glued my eyes to the ground, I felt tears in my eyes. He rarely snapped at me. And it was usually for this reason. I felt his eyes on me but I couldn't bring myself to look at him.
   "Y/n..." I stood up, ready for the tears to roll down my checks. Johnny lit his cigarette and looked over at me.
   "I'm gonna go hangout inside." I walked back inside and to the bathroom. Closing the door I leaned on the sink. I hated Johnny when he'd snap at me. I didn't mean for it to come out mean.
    My stomach started to hurt and I felt like throwing up. One look in the mirror and I realized I hadn't kept myself from crying.
   "Y/n? Open the door please." It was Johnny. I debated opening the door before he opened it himself. "I'm sorry y/n." He looked more upset than usual.
   "I- I just... Johnny I don't want you to get hurt." He grabbed my hands and rubbed his thumb on the back of my hands.
   "I know.. i won't." I think the tears finally stopped cause I was now able to look at him without him being blurry.
   "I'm sorry for all this.. this mess." He smiled at me and I felt myself start to melt. This smile was sweet and I couldn't help but smile back.
   "It's okay." I wondered if they had noticed, the gang. I heard the door open and Pony's usual 'dont slam the door' before the door was slammed. Steve and Soda must be home, maybe even Dallas.
   "You want to go back out?" Johnny looked at me and then at the door. He looked at the ground and I saw his cheeks start to turn red.
   " We could go back to your place?" He looked back up at me as he said your place. In that moment I knew what was right. All my life id never known what the right thing to do was. I'd felt the same thing when I asked Johnny out, now I'd never tell him this but if I did, he'd kiss me and say 'i wish I knew you before now'.
   I nodded. We left the bathroom my hand glued to his. I didn't want to let go, I was worried someone would ask if I was alright, or what happen. But that didn't happen.
   And I was partly right on who came inside, Sodapop and Dallas did. Soda was on the couch with Dal and Pony. Two was now sitting on the floor.
   "What's up kids?" Sodapop asked. I squeezed Johnny's hand, he looked at me all sweetly before answering Soda.
   "Nothing much, gonna go out for a bit." I knew he wouldn't tell the gang bout him coming back to my house. Even though my parents didn't like him much, he liked me. And just having Johnny by my side was all I wanted.
   "I'll talk to you later two." I managed to say as we walked past two. He looked up, his usual goofy smile on his face.
   We left the house and started for my house.
  "Johnny?" We were about two houses down from mine when I finally spoke. He hummed in response, his eyes on the road. "Why do you do that?"
    "Do what?" I looked over at him, his eyes still on the road. 
   "Look up and down the roads each time we walk in an ally or turn the corner." He brought my hand up and kissed it while he looked at me.
   "It's habit." By now we'd reached my house. The light was still on and our car was gone. I must have stopped walking cause Johnny was now in front of me. "Baby?"
  "Huh?" I shook my head and we started walking again, up the steps and I opened the door. When I did my sibling was sitting on the couch eating something they probably heated up in the microwave. "Where's ma and pa?" They looked up at Johnny and I.
   "Went out." I knew what they meant by 'went out'. They'd be gone for a couple of days, come back and act like nothing happened. I pulled Johnny into my room and I couldn't help but just fall flat on my bed. Johnny sat next to me and leaned against the wall.
   "Johnny Im so tired." I lifted my head up just enough to look at him. He looked at me with these eyes. I couldn't explain it but I got up and crawled over to him. I looked him in the eyes and he smiled. I couldn't help myself. Before I knew it I felt his lips against mine. His hands pulling on my waist, pulling me closer. I felt myself get wobbly, numb almost.
    "I thought you were tired?" I watched him lick his lips and wait for my response.
   "I lied." I couldn't help just give a little laugh. I couldn't help but fall on his chest either as he stroked my hair.
  Johnny started to hum my girl and i started dozing in and out. Eventually he started to notice how tired I was and pulled the blanket over us. The last thing I felt before falling asleep was Johnny kissing my forehead. It was one of my favorite things he did. I was still half asleep when I felt him get up, moving to get more comfortable so he could sleep better.
Yeah your not getting smut, not yet at least, thanks for reading, Mwah. 

Jean Jacket // Johnny X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now