Snapped! - Chapter 4

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The night dragged on as Kate was driving through New York City's bustling roads. The traffic was immense, and she arrived at her apartment at about 2am. As she opened the door of her apartment, she realised the house was spotless and clean, a big change to where she had been before. 

Her laptop beeped, and Kate went to open the lid. 1 email. The email read:

"Dear Kate Mirren,

We are delighted that you sent in your CV to Chic Magazine's office, and you have taken an interview with me (Jane Fitz). I would like to remind you that you are going to receive a call tomorrow at about 9am confirming whether you got the job at Chic Magazine. 

I will not be telling you, it will be one of our correspondents, but she will tell you the procedures from there. I, and the executive managers at Chic Magazine have had a look at your CV and based on the interview and CV, the decision will be made.

Good Luck! 

Yours Sincerely,

Jane Fitz 

(Producer & Manager of Chic Magazine)"

Kate's stomach had now got butterflies. This was going to be on restless night she thought. But she went to bed, so she could be up early to receive this call. So badly had she wanted the job, because Chris was out of work, and she had left her previous job. So they both needed the money. It was hardly fair that she had to work and Chris didn't, but she thought better than to argue.

Kate slipped on her Victoria's Secret pyjama's, and went to bed. It was 2:30am, and in 6 and a half hours she would be told whether she got the job as fashion journalist at Chic Magazine.

That night, Kate slept like a soulless ghost. But as the sun started to rise, and the silhouettes of the skyscrapers could be seen, Kate was woken.

It was 7am in the morning, so Kate took a shower, put some casual clothes on and walked to the starbucks opposite to grab some coffee and a bagel. As she arrived at her apartment with the food, the time was already 8:00am, so only one hour till the call. 

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

It was only 8:15am. Surely the call wouldn't be this early. Nevertheless, Kate picked it up anyway, and answered with a short and snappy "Hi." 

"Hey Kate! Darling, you getting 'the call' today?" Kate knew who it was. It was so obviously Jennifer. The sound of her cheery voice brought alarm bells to Kate's mind. "Hey Jen. Sorry 'bout last night. Me and Chris have sorted things out." Kate's heart thumped waiting for Jennifer's reply.

"Thats okay darling. So has Chris got fatter? Do you remember the hunk he used to be in high school. Oh how people change Kate!" Kate chuckled lightly.

"Yeah. But I still love him." Kate answered in return, even though she missed the hunk that Chris used to be. "Okaaayyyyy...Well good luck then with the call and stuff. Hope you get the job." With that the phone went off, and before time to pace ahead of Kate, she realised it was 8:30am. Half an hour to go. Boy, time could be slow when it wanted to be.

Kate realised she still had her casual clothes on. They were hideous, bootcut jeans with an oversized tee may seem stylish to the street style bloggers, but topped with a pair of Reebok trainers, the look was ugly. Committing a fashion crime was too much, so instead of waiting in boredom for the phone to call to happen, she decided to change out of those Reebok's and go New York street style, just like those awesome cultured bloggers featured in the magazine that came every month. 

Changing into a slogan tee, cable knit beige cardigan, blue harem pants, brogues and  a skinny belt felt so much better than her mismatched outfit before. Time was going quickly now. It was already 8:59am. It was rare that they would call at exacly 9am on the dot Kate thought, but decided to keep her blackberry in her hand. 

Snapped!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora