Snapped! - Chapter 5

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So basically, from now I am going to be writing in 1st person, from Kate's point of view. Those first four chapters were introducing you to the story, and just giving you a background. Hopefully it will be more interesting from Kate's P.O.V. Please carry on reading.



Kate's P.O.V:

Before I knew it, time had taken it's rush, and it was already 1:00pm in the afternoon. Sadly my lunch break had finished, so I made my way over to the office. As I entered, I realised that either I was early, or late, because there was nobody to be seen in the reception, apart from the receptionist of course. As I approached the receptionist, I saw that there was a huge crowd of women, and some men, making their way back to the office. I sighed a sigh of relief, and went to my office, and sat back down on my desk.

The scent of jasmine could be smelt throughout our office room, but soon I realised the cleaners had been in whilst we were on our lunch break.

I quickly tapped the keys of my computer, logging on. Suddenly the same woman with gorgeous red hair approached me.

"Hey. Enjoyed your lunch then?" She asked, whilst half reading a newspaper, half talking to me, if that was possible.

"Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot. How was yours?" I asked, remaining polite.

"Great. So if you ever need any help, I'm always around. My names Christine. Hope to see you around some time." I shook her hand, and she nodded, whilst heading in the other direction to her desk.

Time was passing really quickly, and the day had ended, so instead of waiting, I thought better to go and see Chris and tell him all about my day.


I was at the door of Chris' apartment knocking furiously for about what felt like 3 minutes. I had called him. No answer. So I was shouting at the top of my voice. 

"Chris! Open up the damn door!" I knocked harder this time. I heard whispering from the other side, and I knew Chris was there. "Chris. I know your there!" 

"Shit." I heard him whisper. It was annoying why he hadn't given me a key yet. Slowly, the door opened. "Where were you, you idiot. Did you not see that I was knocking on your door for 5 minutes. I - " He cut me short by pressing his lips to mine. I was surprised as we hadn't kissed in ages. "Come in." He finally said. His kissed were definitely NOT like the ones in high school. Nevertheless, I was here with him, and I guess we'd probably be stuck here for a long time. He was my cuddle buddy, and I did think his chubbiness was cute, in a weird way.

"So how did the job go?" Chris asked, whilst brewing coffee for himself, and stirring the mint tea for me. 

"Yeah, it went fine. Great actually. My kinda job you know." He smiled before bringing the mint tea to me. 

"Cool. Met anybody you like? Friends wise, anybody friendly. Or are they just stuck up?" I was surprised that me and Chris were actually having a nice conversation. But this was just like we were friends. Friends. I thought to myself. 

"I met a girl called Christine, who has this amazing red hair. Jane was quite nice, but a bit to the point, and then everybody else, I didn't speak to." 

"Cool." Was all that he could get out of his mouth. He wasn't the type to make big conversation, just small talk.

"So, who were you speaking to?" I asked curious. He gazed at my expression first, then slouched back on the sofa.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2011 ⏰

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