Faceless person again

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After thinking about it i decided to go out, my heart was beating fast i was scared that what if something happens to me.

But i need food, im running out of foods *sigh* whatever.

I go out and find Konta standing in front of the house, i get closer to Konta to ask why he's doing here.

Konta: Oh well i kinda followed you here when you ran away at that time, i waited you at school for a long time you won't even come out for a fresh air. I thought something happened to you i was worried.

Worried? He was worried about me, why we don't know each other that much.

: Well now you saw me and im ok so you can go now.

Konta: Where are you going Olivia? Let's go together.

: No, leave me alone.

Konta: At least tell me where your going? I won't leave you alone if you don't tell me.

: Ugh im going to the store now leave me alone bastard.

Konta: Do you have money? Let's go together i was gonna go to store too.

So annoying i just wanna be alone... but at the same time i want him to come together too. Ugh it's so hard to choose.

: Don't annoy me too much when we're going to the store.

He smiles and looks at me like he just had the best thing ever. I giggle because he looked like a puppy, so cute wait what am i saying i must be insane to say that.

After walking for about 15 minutes we're at the store. The store looked normal and no sign of danger, i was relieved.

We were just normally minding our own business, buying stuff then i felt a pain behind my back, i turned to look at it then it was someone or something that was wearing a mask.

My body felt so heavy, i couldn't do anything but just fall and cry right now. I remember i was with Konta, i looked up to see him but he wasnt there he was on the ground with blood.

I slowly crawl to Konta but someone pressed their leg on me. I couldn't move. I just lay down there and waited for both of us to die slowly.

The pain in my body is terrible, i slowly close my eyes and now i wad dead. I open my eyes and saw all white things, and i stand there realizing im dead, im actually dead... has God heard my wish. Oh thank you, thank you so much im finally free from that disaster.

Or maybe thats what i thought... i saw someone, i went to them to ask where am i, what am i doing here, what is happening.

Before even i touch them, they turned around to look at me and they were faceless. I couldn't believe what im seeing right now after that i came back to my senses as the faceless person attacks me and pins me down. The face is white as a snow the hair us dark as the night.

: H... el... p... me....

As it slowly shows it mouths and gone. Is it actually asking for help or is it a trap...

I push him and ran away for my own safety why was this happening to me where is Konta? Am i in heaven or stuck in a loop? I ask myself everything i could possibly think about.

Till i felt something touch my leg and i turned back it was the faceless person... there were hole in his face i freaked out and tried to escape till they say something.

: Please don't leave... take me with you i don't wanna be alone.

The fear in theyre voice were obvious and had me think about what i should do till not long later they let my leg go and i turned around to see a water was flowing in the hole from they're face. I want to let them follow but i can't protect them...

Please what should I do.

To be continued.

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