Saturday Night

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- "how are we going to get to the outside?"

- "we're going to get a shuttle. Being a colonel's daughter has its advantages."

-"excuse my father is only a lieutenant" she said with a disdainful air to laugh

-"We don't have the same values" added Andrea to tease her a little

-"No, it is on we are not all Italian models! " She replied

- "stop you saw yourself? You are magnificent, you have a body of dream, muscular and a glance in the colors of the sea of the Caribbean" says Carina to her

- "Is it hot in here or did I miss a step? " Travis asked.

-"Do you know that a girl can compliment another girl without any implication? "Maya asked. Obviously she wanted to keep a cool head but Carina's compliments had gone straight to her heart.

- "So what do the 'Mosses' do?" asked Dean, impatient.

-"I think they're coming," Jackson said.

-"To us, the beautiful Italian girls! "Jack said as he got into the van, earning him an eye roll from the girls.


-"Maya, you don't know anyone, let me introduce you to Josephina".

- "Jo please! "

- "Maggie, Isabella but call her Izzie and Lexie" before turning "and there they are Alberto and Levi"

- "Nice to meet you," she said shyly.

-"Are we going to the beach to make a campfire? "asked Alberto.

- "si perfeto" replied Carina

'I love it when she speaks in Italian' Maya mused.


They were all around the fire. Dean had brought his guitar and was playing. Other young people had joined the group. They didn't all speak English, but no matter, Maya and Carina hardly let go of each other. If Carina had been asked, she would have simply said that she wasn't going to abandon the person she had invited.

The two girls were chatting with Maggie and Izzie when the latter went to get a drink.

- "your friends, do they know about Arizona?"

-"You know Italy is a very macho country... Here it is not very well seen to be ... Like me"

- "hmmm I see"

- "Jo, you know... Well, partly, I had a crush on her. We kissed once but that was it... She liked my brother and I liked her. But I trust her, this was before Arizona and nobody ever told me about it."

This revelation made Maya jealous.

- "umm ok"

- "and you then. Are you going to tell me your sexual orientation one day when I have to find out for myself? "

- "It might be interesting, you finding out for yourself" she said with a smirk while raising her eyebrow. "But, I like... Drum roll... I like girls."

- "Interesting to know," Carina said before taking a sip of her drink to hide her smile. "And you have someone? In France or somewhere else...."

-"I dated a French girl, well two actually. But it didn't last. I think love is not for me. Both of them said I love you but the problem was that I wasn't going to lie to them or tell them to make them happy... So I was honest. Neither of them liked it. And if not, there are other lesbians on the base? "

- "in the military yes, even if it's frowned upon. After our age, I don't know. I don't have a very good gaydar"

This made the blonde laugh.

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