New York, New York

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Maya had started to tell Carina about her appointment with Diane in more detail after their romp.

Talking about it openly to Carina had made it more real, not that talking about it with Dr. Lewis wasn't real, but the words had come out inside an office in confidence and talking about it with someone else in a different context made it immediately more real, especially talking about it to Carina.

The fact that this became real made Maya fall into the fourth phase, her brain going at a hundred miles an hour all her emotions were coming up quickly. The next day she entered the depression phase.

She was trying to concentrate on the work, even Carina's presence wasn't working as well on her body. She refused any physical contact at the risk of cracking. Obviously the Italian understood that and did not insist near her companion, she knew that this one would return of itself.

After a week, Maya had gone to see Captain Herrera to take a few days off. He immediately agreed to this, as the young girl was struggling to concentrate at work.

The latter had asked Carina if it was possible for her to take a few days off as well. Being a freelancer, she had accepted and warned Dr. Grey that she had to leave for family reasons.

-" Do you want to leave Seattle or do you want us to stay here?"

- "no I already saw with Arizona and Callie I wanted to go see them in New York, I need a change of space "

- "ok Bambina, whatever you want"

They had left for New York for a few days, sleeping their couple of friends' place. The Spanish girl had come to pick them up at the airport. And they had arrived at the two women's home at the same time that Arizona and Sofia were coming back from the nanny's house.

-" Oh my god Sofia you are so beautiful" Carina said taking the two year old in her arms.

-"Are you okay, Maya?" asked Arizona.

The lieutenant merely smiled, a smile not as sincere as she would have liked before adding, "where Can I put our stuff ?"

-"I'll show you," said Callie.

Once the two young women had left, Arizona approached the Italian woman.

-" Sofia is a very light sleeper so if you can regulate your volume," she says with a wink.

-"Don't worry, it's safe."

-"we know you the..." She didn't have time to finish her sentence when Carina cut her off.

-" DeLuca-Bishop?"

-"Yes, that's it," she said with an embarrassed smile.

- "so I repeat that it is safe"

- "you two? you're out"

- "we'll say that for the past week, it's not been that great."

- "and you don't mind?"

-"Stop it, you're making me look like what?! I'm not an obsessive either!"

Arizona just smiled at her and looked at her in the corner of her eyes

-"Anyway, that's not the point, Maya doesn't touch me anymore, I can barely get a kiss or a hug."

- "she, are you really not okay?"

- "no, that's why she wanted to come here, she needs to get her mind off it and like I said I'm not an obsessive so I'm giving her the time she needs to come back to me."

Maya and Callie were back in the living room with their partner. Maya was sitting on the floor playing with Sofia, which was easier than having to hold a conversation. Seeing that she wasn't ready to join the conversation yet, the three women were talking to each other while Callie prepared the evening meal.

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