~Blush Blush characters getting caught cheating Pt.1~

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Warning: a lot of angst here.



One of your friends told you in text.

You were watching an anime on tv while Nimh went to go do something in the park. Yes, it took long but you knew Nimh! He would never cheat on you right? (Wrong)

You looked at your phone only to see a message from your best friend. "Why is she texting me...." Your eyes widen to see Nimh in the and a kissing a girl. 'I thought Nimh would be loyal to me...' You sat there still crying your eyes out thinking what you should do.

You just waited. And waited.

It was getting late, so you went to bed without Nimh.

You heard the door open, and you knew it was him, but you were a little nervous to confess to Nimh about the kiss with the girl. "Hey babe I'm back!"

"How was taking a 24/7 stroll to the park hm?" You questioned. "U-um that's w-what I've been w-wanting to talk to you...."

"Talk to me about what? How you cheated on me and went to go meet that random girl in the park? hm?"

Nimh flinched. "I-I'm sorry- but you were just...... Not my type... I didn't want to hurt your feelin-"

"Let's break up. I'm not mad. go be with that girl." You said with a hitch of sadness in your voice (A lot more honey). "R-really! I can go with- but w-what about you? You'll be heartbroken and-"

"Nimh let's not talk about my sadness and happiness right now.... Go with the girl :)" Nimh saw the sad smile, but he knew he had to go with someone he really loves.

"...... Thank u..." Nimh then left with the girl.



Now there was more traitors and cheaters......

You only had your best friend and your cold boyfriend. You never thought they would both betray you.

"Hey Volks, do you want to go practice some volleyball with me?"

Then all he says is "I'm busy" or "Leave me alone." Yes, he is cold but never like this! Was something wrong if you and Volks relationship?

You were looking for Volks but only to see him...... Laughing? You never saw him liked this before.... and he's Samantha (Your best friend)? I thought they hated each other.

You walked up to them but only seeing a bothered Volks and a glaring best friend, but you didn't care.

"Babe.... Can we talk for a moment.... Privately?"

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