Chapter 1

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Kaeya shivered as he curled up farther in a corner away from the Cryo Regisvine. The cold was piercing through his skin, bitting him to the bone. He could only bet his lips were turning blue by now.

How ironic, a Cyro vision wielder dying from the cold. Hah. He could almost laugh at himself but his lips were almost frozen shut. His joints felt stiff and he slowly breathed in the freezing cold air.

He wondered, were the knights on their way? God, he hoped so. He was getting tired of being cold, even though he was cold most of the time. He was also definitely not dressed for this type of weather- that's also a negative.

What would Jean say, if the knights were too late? What would Amber think, knowing that he had been so useless he died because of the cold. He would've tried to get out earlier, or defeat the stupid Cryo Regisvine- but unfortunately, Cryo and Cryo just kinda... Do nothing. It doesn't hurt the stupid thing and the other knights had no vision. Only a Pyro vision wielder would really be able to help. And he knew two.

Amber; Amber was a bright girl, always so full of energy and bright smiles. She would come to his aid in a heartbeat, though the Cryo Regisvine was probably to advanced for her yet. A very skilled wind glider and bowist, but when going up against a Cryo Regisvine... It wasn't the most effective.

The next; Diluc. Ah yes. His estranged brother. He had only gotten back from being gone for 4 years. Kaeya only had one chance to talk to him, and it was futile. Diluc still hated him and there was nothing he could do about it. He wouldn't save Kaeya. He would rather him die than see his face again. And Kaeya doesn't blame him either. He would rather die too. This was just torture. God- he wanted to cry, but he felt too tired to do anything.

He thought back to how he even got into this situation-

a fun time before it turned into something that would likely cost him his life.

Cryo can't hurt Cryo (but it can, it really can)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant