Chapter 3

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Sometime during the night, Rosaria had come to join him. The two of them were the iconic drinking buddies, everyone in town knew that. Well everyone but Diluc.

Not that Kaeya would care what Diluc thought, he doesn't even care about him anymore.

With slurred words, Kaeya kept teasing and telling jokes with Rosaria, scoffing and eye-rolling, yet laughing at the dumb jokes that would make any sober person roll their eyes too.

After many, many drinks, Diluc had finally had enough.

"Ok, you two are done for today." He grumbled, taking away the empty glasses.

"Wow! The first real sentence Master Diluc has spoken to me in 4 years! It's a miracle, isn't it Ari?" Rosaria just continued to fiddle with her sharp fine silver dagger unintentionally making the other patrons at the bar stare at her with slight fear.


A simple answer and yet Diluc still found himself annoyed.

"You're both done for tonight. Now get out of my tavern. We're closing." No emotion in his voice.

Kaeya leaned over the counter, staring menacingly at Diluc.

"What would father say if he knew you were being like this to your own brother-?"

The glass in Diluc's hand shattered. Kaeya leaned back in his seat in shock and surprise while Rosaria flinched only a little, stabbing her dagger into the top of the counter.

"You're not my brother. You get the fuck out of my tavern right now and don't you dare ever say my father's name from your god forbidden mouth. Get. Out." Diluc seethed with fury, blinding his senses.

Kaeya was too drunk to completely understand. But still, he felt that pang to his chest.

"Master Di- hicc- Luc, you don't mean that.."

Rosaria got up and grabbed Kaeya by the arm, gently leading him out of the bar. Before leaving she turned back to Diluc and glared.

"You watch your mouth. You might've been through some shit but don't think Kaeya hasn't either."

And the door closed, leaving Diluc alone in the messy tavern, angry and confused.


The next day Kaeya woke up with a splitting headache. He knew he drank to much, way more than he usually would have and when he thinks back to last night he can't remember much.

Stumbling into his bathroom he sat on the ground before the toilet heavily, feeling nausea consume him. He'd only thrown up once from alcohol before, 5 years ago. At least he had someone to comfort him then.

With a wretch he threw up into the toilet, feeling his insides churn at the thought of any food or liquid.

After a moment he leaned up against the wall in a cold sweat, sighing as he wiped his mouth with some toilet paper he grabbed.

He didn't know how long he stood there for. Too long probably, so unwillingly he stood up and clutched onto the counter of the sink, holding a breath.

Deciding he needed to suck it up and get ready for today, he grabbed his toothbrush and started to get ready for the day.

Oh, how he would wish he would've wore something warmer.


"Jean!" Kaeya called, smiling as he felt much better. After a nice brunch at Good Hunter and a calming walk through the city as a short patrol, he felt good as new. Only a little headache remained from last night's events. He still didn't remember much which didn't bother him at all.

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