Chapter 4

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Diluc sighed as he finished with the cup he was currently drying. He was finishing up a shift at Angels Share for the night. There was something that continued to bother him though. Kaeya wasn't here.

Now he gets it, not even Kaeya comes in for a drink everyday, but it's a Friday which means Kaeya always comes in. Even when he's sick and Diluc has to force him out of the bar by cutting his alcohol line off.



Ah? With a raised eyebrow Diluc looked up to see Venti and Rosaria stroll in with grins on their faces. Well for Venti at least, Rosaria was twirling her knife in between her fingers, a more stoic expression on her face.

"Say, Master Diluc, has Sir Kaeya been here at all yet?"

With a scoff Diluc shook his head.

"Can't say I've seen him yet tonight. I'd count on him being here though, that drunkard.."

Venti sighed and sat on the bar stool, pouting.

"But we made plans tonight!" Venti whined and Rosaria nodded.

Diluc was already preparing their drinks, not paying them any attention. Kaeya was fine, just running late. There was no reason to worry. Kaeya could handle himself.

Annoyance burned in his chest. Just the thought of him made him want to roll his eyes. Now don't call Diluc cold hearted at all, that's not true. He still cares for him even if he doesn't show it. He doesn't want Kaeya to get hurt or even god forbid die.

But he knows Kaeya more than anyone, and he knows that Kaeya is more than capable of handling himself. He made that clear years ago.

A low grunt made it out of his mouth thinking of that night which caught the attention of Charles.

"Master Diluc, we're running low on the ingredients for Death After Noon."

Diluc nodded and finished the drink he was making before sliding it over to a patron.

Kaeya better get here soon or else he really won't get his precious wine.


Kaeya was sure his whole body was blue by now. His eyelids were heavy and his whole body felt like led.

His teeth were chattering unbelievably loud.

He could no longer feel his fingers nor his feet and his nose was so red, it hurt.

The Cryo Regisvine was still looking for him after Archons knows how long. And Kaeya still hadn't moved from his spot seemingly frozen to the ground.

"T-this sucks.." He managed to mutter quietly to himself. How ironic would this be, a cryo wielder dying from the cold. It almost made him laugh, if his teeth weren't chattering too much.

He wondered when the knights would be here. Hopefully soon. They were getting help— right? They weren't going to leave him here even though he knew he deserved this.

He had always wanted to die, he came up with so many plans yet never finished them. It sucked. There were many ways he wanted to die, ways he hoped to die, but from a Cryo Regisvine? Not even in his top 100.

Maybe he'd let a Hilichurl at him before a Cryo Regisvine. At least a Hilichurl would be more understandable than dying from your own element.

Archons, hopefully someone will come soon.


Swan and Lawrence huffed (get it hahah) as they pulled Huffman along, his arm over each of their shoulders. They were going at an unbelievably slow pace and they were worrying about Kaeya, trying their hardest to get to Mondstadt quickly. They were quiet far out into the woods and it was already getting dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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