Chapter 4

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It was the next day, and here we see the Commander in his dorm at his bed sleeping.

Com. : "Zzz..."


Com. : "..?"

The Commander hears snoring in his sleep, curious he opens his eyes to see who's the culprit.

Com. : 'Who the hell is this?'

"Zzz... Shikikan~... Zzz.."

Com. :  —_—'''

It's Taihou... As usual, Commander wakes her up making her head move up and opens her eyes.

Taihou: "Oh?"

Com. : "Taihou... What are you doing here?"

Taihou: "Well~ I felt lonely in my room~ Shikikan-sama~"

Com. : "Of course, you 'felt' lonely Taihou"

Taihou: "Ehehe~"

Com. : —_—'''

At the pier, Y/n and his friends are on the boat dock and just woke up and appreciate the sunlight and the slowing waves of the water.

Y/n: "What a beautiful day isn't it guys?"

Keith: "Yep, hope nothing bad will happen this day"

Tim: "Yep!"

Suddenly, a turning motor sound is heard from the sky.

Keith: "Spoke too soon..."

Tim: "Look, guys! Those planes look withered!"

The three look up and saw the planes in a formation, they're torn and holes around their body, it must be magic because they keep on flying in circles.

Y/n: "We should warn the Commander!"

Tim: "I'm on it! Guys!"

Keith: "Do you know where's his room at?"

Tim: 🤓

Keith: "Bruh"

Y/n: "Just walk up to someone along the way and maybe you'll get there"

Tim: "Okay!"

Tim left the boat and ran to the base immediately, Y/n and Keith look up at the sky still the planes are not moving and stayed still in their formation.

Y/n: "Are they scouting?"

Keith: "Might be"

Y/n: "Well, why are they still here?"

The planes then change formation and head towards them and the base.

Y/n: "I spoke to—"

Keith: "RUN!!!"

Y/n and Keith got out of the boat and headed to the base looking for an entrance.

Keith: "Y/n! This way!"

Y/n: "Right!"

Back at the base...

Com. : "Taihou, I should better get going —_—''' "

Taihou: "Aww~ Can we stay here~ for a while—"

The door crash open and Tim enters the room.

Tim: "Commander! We—"

He paused as he sees him with a girl on the bed.

Tim: "Bruh"

Com. : "I can explain—"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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