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Chrissy sat up in bed. The sun was peeking through her window. She stood up and yawned, and quickly got dressed into her cheer uniform. Today was the pep rally and tonight was the big championship game. She had to put on yet another fake and perky smile, even though deep down she was struggling with something very horrible.
Her dad was watching the news and reading the paper. Classic. And her mom was making pancakes. Her little brother was playing with his trucks in the living room. Her mom smiled "Well good morning, Chrissy" Chrissy smiled back and sat down "Hey mom." Her mother handed her the plate covered in delicious, freshly made pancakes. Chrissy's mouth was watering just by the look of them. Her mother gave her a look and Chrissy pushed her plate. "I'd better get going today school. Jason's probably waiting-" Chrissy grabbed her bag and waved to her mom. She couldn't stand the fact that she just gave up a whole plate of pancakes just to impress her mother. Just as Chrissy thought, Jason was waiting outside. He stood there, leaning against his car, smiling. "Hey babe!" he called out. Chrissy wakes over and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "I'm so pumped to kill those assholes in the game tonight." Jason looked down at Chrissy, expecting her to agree with him like she always did. She nodded and sat in his car. Jason turned on his favorite radio station and they drove to school. Chrissy remembered that she had to get ready for the pep rally, so she told Jason just to drop her off. Chrissy entered the hallways of Hawkins High. It was always chaotic in the mornings especially before pep rallies because classes got held back. It was the usual sights. Freshmen getting beat up and made fun of by the stupid seniors, The nerds looking at all the girls that walked by, the juniors making out by the lockers. Classic. Chrissy walked past all the chaos and headed to the gym to warm up with the cheerleaders

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