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Everyone was cheering and clapping. Chrissy ran out with her cheer squad and they got ready to cheer to the schools anthem. Chrissy got ready to do more fake smiling, jumping, and shaking her pom poms. It was the same at every game and every other cheering event. Fake smile, cheer, clap, blow kisses and repeat. The music started playing and Chrissy got into her position. She closed her eyes and visualized the steps. She did her little dance and shook her pom poms trying to look as happy and perky as possible. Even though deep down all she wanted to do was cry. She finished her routine and ran off the floor, making room for her boyfriend and his team to make their way onto the court. Everyone practically screamed as they saw our famous basketball team. It's all Hawkins has going for them honestly. They hadn't one a championship game in years but everyone was very confident that they finally would. My boyfriend took a microphone and gave his empowering but very aggressive speech about almost losing to the "crap" school they had almost lost to a few days ago. Of course he had to point me out in front of god and everyone. I smiled and blew a kiss. He smiled back and continued on with his ridiculous speech.

After the game, I remember i have a meeting with Ms. Kelly. Lately, I have been experiencing really weird dreams and visions. I'm also having terrible headaches. They're all about my mom commenting on my body like she always does. But sometimes it's not actually even my mom, It's this creepy thing- which I can't even begin to explain how scary it is. It taunts me and tortures me. A LOT like my mother. I sit down in Ms. Kelly's office, eyeing her plants and the ticking clock. She pulls out a clipboard and smiles at me, "So, Chrissy how are your nightmares? Are the headaches getting better?" I sigh "The headaches feel better, but the nightmares still happen every night. They are getting worse." I okay with my fingers "How would u describe them?" she writes something down and looks up at me, "They all involve this creature thing that taunts me. At first it sounds like my mother, commenting on my body and how my cheerleading uniform isn't fitting again but then it turns into something way worse. Way scarier." I look at the ground, trying not to remind myself of these nightmares. Ms. Kelly nods "I see. Are u taking any pills to help?" I look up, " I take melatonin which is supposed to help me sleep better but it seems to make it worse." Ms Kelly keeps writing and looks up at me, encouraging me to go on. " I don't want to tell my mom because i don't think she'll believe me. Your the only person i've talked to about my trauma." She nods and keeps writing notes. We finish up our session, and I get up and leave to head to my math class. But I remember something. I have to put a note in Eddie Munson's locker to see if he'll give me some drugs. I've heard they can help with stress and I just really need to get my mind off everything. I quickly slip it in Eddie's locker and walk away. I pass by Ms. Kelly's office again. And I see Max Mayfield staring my way. She seems mad about something. I keep my head down and keep walking.

Later that day, I was supposed to meet Eddie Munson in the woods. I knew I had to keep quiet about because my boyfriend would kill me if I was buying drugs especially from Eddie Munson. He's not exactly liked around here but I personally think he's cool and funny and very sweet. I hear a clock come from the woods. It ticks in my ears like i'm standing right next to it. My curiosity compels me to keep going, to find the clock and where this ticking is coming from. I finally see where this is coming from. Smack down in the center of the woods there's a clock sticking out if tree. It's pounding in my ear, and suddenly someone bumps into me. I scream and jump forward, I turn to see Eddie Munson, smiling down at me. "Didn't mean to scare ya" he laughs. I breath heavily "Can we just get this over with?" I look down and he nods. We both sit down across from each other and he opens he lunch box filled with drugs galore. I try not to stare as he opens the lunchbox, and i can't help but ask "how does this work?" He grabs a bag of weed, " You can pay $20 for a half ounce, it should last you awhile," I hear something in the distance and get startled, i turn around to see a squirrel and I sigh a sigh of relief, he looks at me confused "Just give me the word and i'll walk away." he puts away the lunchbox, obviously I don't want him to leave right now. I want to get the drugs, " No, I don't want you to go.." i quickly say, hoping he won't leave me alone here. I rub my hand against the table, "It's just, do you ever feel like your losing your mind?" he laughs, and replies with an obvious answer. "You know just on a daily basis." he looks at me. "I feel like i'm losing my mind doing a drug deal with Chrissy Cunningham, the queen of Hawkins High." he empathizes the word queen and I blush a little. "You know this isn't the first time we've.. hung out," he says, breaking the silence, I try to remember ever hanging out with Eddie Munson, but mating comes to mind. "No?" i say confused, he smiles, "Don't remember?" I still try to remember ever associating with Eddie Munson. "I'm sorry, I don't.." he looks at me "That's okay.." he then dramatically falls backward, like he got shot, I wasn't expecting this so yell and he laughs and says, " I wouldn't remember me either Chrissy!" I laugh, as he tries to pull leaves out of his hair. Eddie is way funnier than I could've imagined, and nicer too, He looks at me again, "You seriously don't remember me?" I apologize once again, and laugh. He starts to tell me what he remembers and it kind of started to come back to me, he imitates my cheerleading, motioning his hands like he has pom poms, i watch him and finally it hits me, his band. "Corroded Coffin!" He claps his hands, and i laugh "How could i forget?" he  says, "i don't know your a freak," and i smile, i still can't believe that Eddie Munson is so well, kind he just seems like he be such much more different, "You know your not what i thought you'd be like," he plays with his hair "Mean and scary?" I nod, "Yeah." He finally comes to sit back down, "Yeah, I actually thought you'd be the same way," he smiles, and i'm shocked he would ever look at me and think that i'm mean, "Me??" he nods "Terrifying." He sits back down, "You know the good news, flattery works with me, so," i smile, "25% Discount." I realize that weed wouldn't be that strong so i ask if he sells anything stronger. "I have some stronger stuff back at my place if you'd wanna swing by later.." he looks at me, "Of course, I'd love too." We agree to meet after the game because he has  his club tonight and i have to cheer. I leave the woods, smiling because i just met the nicest drug dealer i've ever met.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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