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Eddie got up late as usual. It was just so he could have more time to avoid getting treated like shit by those stupid jocks. He quickly got dressed in his Hellfire Club shirt and jeans. Before he left he stood in front of the mirror and smiled at himself. He was proud that he at least had some friends who wanted to play D&D with him. He jumped in his van and drove off to school. Once he arrived he remembered that there was a stupid fucking pep rally today and everyone had to watch it because tonight was the basketball championship game. "Shit." he whispered to himself as he got out of his van. He saw Chrissy Cunningham walk into the school, her beautiful hair put in a perfect high ponytail and she was wearing her cheer uniform which really made her gorgeous blue eyes pop. Eddie stopped staring and snapped back into reality. He's had a crush on Chrissy since middle school when they first met at the school talent show. He just didn't know how to voice it to her. He knew that she had a boyfriend but he just couldn't help but picture them together sometime in the future. Eddie walked into the halls of Hawkins High. He opened his locker and prepared himself for more pushing, shoving and mocking for the jocks. He sighed and shut it after putting away his stuff "Let's hope today is different." he smiled to himself and bit his bottom lip. "Let's just hope."

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