the meet (fully)

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Drag:Ok skip the crap about last page ok I don't to talk about it but here the meet.

Ink: Finally!:)

(Group 1 POV)

Adam(mind): Gotta be careful this thing or person might be a nether guard.

Adam:Guy pls hold your guard.

Group 1:Ok

Stella:Wait guy I see something at the distance.

Ceris:Is hard to see it too dark.

Abigail:I will get a closer look.

Adam & Ceris:NO.

Abigail (mind):What a protective brother and sister ^^

Adam:I will go just be ready when it attack.

(Rain POV(My Au)

I heard footsteps from behind but I need to stay on guard so they won't hide.

Rain(mind):I can't wait that long I just need to be ready.

N???:Then ready.

Rain(mind):I forgot ur here but I can't.


Rain(mind):cause I could hear the footsteps get loud and fast.

??B?:That mean it get clos- !!! RAIN WATCH OUT.

Rain:*open eye and turn around*



Adam:*turn attack mode into defense mode and back away*

Abigail:Adam what is it?

Adam:How is he here we were supposed to stick the plan.

Rain:*walk out the showdow*

Group 1:RAIN.


Rain:Do I know you?

Adam:Rain stop playing around.

Rain:Ok then guess you guy are the one that gonna shown up.

Group 1:What?

I move fast speed that they never expect the confuse thing is why Abigail and Stella spilt again and why are they with them and who is this so-called Adam when I look up I saw Stellail was there.

Rain(mind):So I must be in another AU.

Rain*stop and back off*

Adam:Wait what I thought your gonna attack us.

Rain:I found out something.

Ceris:And that is.

Rain:I am not the Rai-*saw a dagger and dodge in time*w-what the.

Ciara:Who is this guy and !!! RAIN

Kane:but he right here.

Rain(Ink AU):uhh what's going on.

(Stellail POV)
Crap he surrounding I need to help him.
Spot a stop signal at Rain(my AU).I guess I will just listen to him.

(Adam POV)

Rain(my AU):Wait let me explai-

I punch so hard that he should be pass I mean no can see and survive this punch I think I could get answer from him but then.

Rain(My AU):*look back with red eyes*

Adam:W-what the....HOW

Rain(N???):You shouldn't had done that *punch him back*

Rainimator AUs meet little brother knows bestWhere stories live. Discover now