Chapter 1 - A Fresh Start?

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Analia's POV

"Wake up sweetie, time for school!" I heard my mums soft voice wake me up from my peaceful slumber. A groan escaped my dry lips as I suddenly realised it's was the end of summer and I was going to school today, public school. I'd never been to public school before, all because my parents had always put me into private schools or had me home schooled, they thought public schools were to rough and I'd never learn anything, it was never on the cards for me.

My family and I had just moved to Baltimore from Ohio only a couple of weeks ago, my father got a wonderful job offer that he couldn't refuse and that meant us moving state. I was defiantly quite upset at first, I was leaving behind all my close friends that I had grown to love over the years but I knew this was a great opportunity for my dad and I had to be happy for him. My family and I have moved a lot in the past, I'm originally from London in England but my parents moved us to America when I was about 11 years old, my British accent is still pretty strong even after all these years.

I was honestly petrified about public school, I didn't know what it was going to be like, the high schools that I'd watched on TV didn't exactly make it look nice, it was all full of bullies and horrible teachers. At first my parents were going to send me to another private school near by but they decided to send me to public school for my last year, they said it would be "good for me," I wasn't so sure about that but my parents are good honest people and I trusted them.

I got out of bed with another groan and got ready for school. I showered quickly, not wanting to be late, then picked out some clothes to wear, I needed to look nice because first impressions count for everything and I didn't want people to hate me on my first day. In the end I decided to wear a red knitted jumper, a knee length skirt and my favourite pair of black shoes, I smiled at my appearance as I looked in my mirror which was hung on my wall.

"Morning mum and dad," I smiled as I walked into the kitchen to see them both there, my dad sitting and reading the newspaper while my mum was cooking food.

"Morning honey, how are you feeling about today?" My dad asked. My dad has always been a man who took pride in his appearance but he was dressed a lot smarter than usual which meant he'd probably got a meeting or something.

"Nervous but very much excited," I replied honestly. I know I said I was nervous but I was still excited to see what it was like and try new experience along the way.

"That's good, I have to go to work now but your mother will take you to school," he explained. He kiss my mother and I goodbye then left for work. I grabbed a slice of buttered wholemeal toast for breakfast and nibbled on it slowly till it was eventually time for my mum and I to leave too.

"Let's go," my mum smiled. We left the house and she drove me to school, Dulaney High School to be precise. I pressed my forehead up against the window most of the way there, my nerves were getting the better of me, I just didn't know what to expect from today.

Then the massive bricked building came to view as my mum drove closer and closer, I could see all the other pupils walking with their friends as they approached the school too, they all seemed to look very happy as they joked about with each other.

My mum drove swiftly into the carpark and stopped at a clear spot in front of the school.

"I'll pick you up after school later, okay?" My mum said. I nodded with a warm smile. My mum has such a gentle voice and it always makes me feel calm in any situation.

"Okay," I said.

"I love you, sweetie." She kissed my forehead then I hopped out of the car, I was shaking slightly from the nerves that were overweighing the excitement. I heard my mums car drive off which made me sigh, I was completely alone now, I didn't even know where to go.

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