Makeup Expiration

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Makeup has a expire date too. Here is the dates when to trash them.

Mascara 3 months
Tip: make mascara last longer by adding 4-5 drops of eyedrops.

Liquid Eyeliner 6 months

Foundation 6-12 months

Lipgloss 1 year

Concealer 1 year

Nail polish 2 year
Tip: for old nail polish when getting congealed and gloopy. Get a glass of hot water and drop the nail polish glass in the glass. Make sure to tighten the lid.

Lipstick 2 years

Powder 2 years

Eyeshadow/ Bronzer/ Blush 2 years

Note:if you have pink eye trash all your eye makeup and others you have use by your eyes.

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