Chocolate Mousse

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Enjoy the delicious Chocolate Mousse found in a old New York Times.
8 servings

6 ounces (6 squares) semi sweet chocolate
4 tablespoons of water
4 eggs, separate
3/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 cup Grand Marnier
10 tablespoons soft butter
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 cup heavy cream, whipped

1. Melt chocolate with water in the top of a double boiler over hot, but not boiling water. Mix egg yolks in a small saucepan with 3/4 cup sugar. Heat gently, stir until mixture thickens; do not boil. Off heat, immediately add liqueur.

2. Beat butter in the chocolate mixture; when smooth add to cook yolks. Fold in whipped cream.

3. Beat eggs whits with remaining tablespoon of sugar until stiff and dry. Fold into chocolate mixture. Poor into individual serving dish or a large bowl, let it cool down.

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