osiris childe diluc

12 2 0


⨾ name — osric childe duluc

⨾ age — sixteen

⨾ dob + star sign — dec 24 ,, sagittarius

⨾ gender — male

⨾ pronouns — he / they

⨾ sexuality — unlabeled


⨾ positive traits — they're a very disciplined person .. perhaps this is because he's been at camp for so long that they just know the knicks and knacks of everything ,, but he's extremely polite .. he's also very balanced and neutral in many fights ,, despite being called a ' useless peacemaker ' .. they have a firm sense of justice and won't let anyone talk them down for standing up for what he believes in ..

⨾ negative traits — osric is rather detached from their own being ,, causing them to dissociate and be confused all the time .. this also makes him pretty weak - willed ,, seeing as their motivation is pretty much nonexistent ..

⨾ fatal flaw — can't understand their own emotions &&. therefore takes too long to make decisions // fatally indecisive


⨾ parents / family — phobetor (( goddess of nightmares )) ,, unknown // deceased mortal father

⨾ childhood — osric's actual // biological father died a short year after receiving his son from who he believed to be their spouse .. this was the perfect opportunity for a satyr to conveniently come and sweet baby osric off their feet ,, and swiftly zoom him over to camp half blood .. there ,, he grew up .. he's actually never even stepped foot out of camp ,, and he doesn't really have any desire to ..

⨾ present — staying at camp half blood . . . what else is going on ?? not much ..

⨾ future — ?? they don't see themself having a life after the age of twenty .. not that he doesn't think he'll live that long ,, they just have no future aspirations ..


⨾ headcannons — wears linen // cotton clothing because it helps him lucid dream easier ,, has charmed people for non - personal gain before ,, judges people based on how satisfying their screams are to him

⨾ likes — ?? there's nothing they've liked for long enough for it to be notable

⨾ fears — none

⨾ faves —

⨾ powers — cast illusions ,, make scenes from horror movies come true ,, enter &&. change people's dreams ,, spectral familiar creation 

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