aisha reyes

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⨾ name — aisha verlice reyes

⨾ age — fifteen

⨾ dob + star sign — sept 9 ,, virgo

⨾ gender — female

⨾ pronouns — she / they

⨾ sexuality — demisexual


⨾ positive traits — aisha has a lot of self - control .. they know when she can push her limits ,, and when she should stop .. they're also extremely original - you'll never catch her slacking or trying to be someone else .. that's what their amazing imagination is for - even when aisha isn't content with herself ,, they allow herself to get lost in the world they've been so meticulously crafting since she could even remember anything .. she's been able to do this for so long because she's also got amazing patience - despite being a child of hades ,, she's actually very kind - hearted and merciful ..

⨾ negative traits — when in a bad mood ,, may be a ' killjoy ' .. can be over - calculating or finicky ..

⨾ fatal flaw — lack of empathy


⨾ parents / family — hades (( godly parent )) ,, mortal mother

⨾ childhood — aisha grew up with their brother ,, julian .. the two became known for their crazy fanatics and obsession with dead animals .. aisha ,, in particular ,, always seemed to know when an animal was pretending to be dead ,, or was actually dead .. she learned quickly how to give squirrels cpr ,, and was shunned by many people in her neighborhood for this weird ' talent ' of hers .. though her and their brother didn't always see eye to eye ,, the two were and still are extremely close .. this is why they decided to go through anything ,, anything at all together when they were eight years old ,, and had already started to see the monsters in a world where they shouldn't have .. ' crazy .. forlorn .. psychopath .. ' if that's what people wanted them to be ,, then she could have simply succumbed . . . but they also simply didn't care ..

⨾ present — even in the present ,, aisha doesn't care what other people think about her .. as long as they are not spreading blatant lies and ruining their reputation .. she didn't change much from when they were a child ,, because she didn't see the point in maturing .. hey - if the gods from a card game were real ,, then who ever said that they had to grow up too ?? besides ,, the world is becoming so hopeless that companies have to assume 0 iq of their costumers . . . how much damage could one more happy - go - lucky girl do in the world ?? oh ,, well . . . quite a bit ..

⨾ future — aisha ,, in her future ,, would become a notorious forensic pathologist .. they would graduate from a famous university with a degree in thanatology .. of course ,, this job would be a lot easier considering her background ,, but they are still proud of the work she has accomplished ..


⨾ headcannons — very good at doing people's hair ,, has a knack for picking up playing stringed instruments ,, doesn't drink anything that's from a powder ,, has accidentally put microwave popcorn into an oven before ..

⨾ likes — movie theatres ,, making a wish when it's 11:11 ,, hot tubs ,, corndogs ,, going to a carnival ..

⨾ fears — letting the one(s) who she loves slip through her fingers

⨾ faves — chocolate ,, silver ,, rubies ,, chardonnay

⨾ powers — talk to // summon the dead ,, shadow traveling ,, can't detect precious gems // metals but is easily able to tell if it is real or not .. 

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