The Calm Before the Storm

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Aileen withdrew from him, her eyes going wide. She couldn't have possibly heard him right. Taking the chance, needing to make sure he had said what he did, she asked in a hushed tone, "You love me?" Eddie's eyes softened as he brought his hand to her face again. "Princess, with every passing day I fall more in love with you than I had the day before."

Eddie's heart thundered in his chest. He knew that this was probably entirely too early in their relationship to have declared his love to her, but the moment felt so right and his mind and heart knew that she was the one for him.  Aileen had brought him such joy that any thought of her not being in his life absolutely tore him apart.  However, as she remained quiet, Eddie began to worry  that perhaps it had been too early.  He didn't expect her to say that she loved him back, but anything would have been better than this silence.  When Aileen suddenly burst into tears, Eddie sat up, looking down at her, worried and bewildered.  Aileen brought her hands to her face, crying into them.  "Aileen? Wha–I'm sorry. Hey..." Panicking a little, Eddie looked around, unsure what to do. This was not the reaction he was expecting from her.  What was someone supposed to do in this situation? Was it really that awful to have been told that he loved her? As a feeling of rejection settled in his heart, Eddie quietly asked her, "Do you want me to leave? I can go sleep on the couch." Aileen shook her head, looking at him. He thought she was upset, hiding her face behind her beautiful hands. But she was smiling, tears rolling down her face. " I'm sorry I just.." taking a deep breath, Wiping tears from her eyes, she hit him again with a heart-stopping smile. Sitting up as well, Aileen took Eddie's hand in hers. "Eddie, I have known that I've loved you since our date at Lovers Lake. And I was so afraid to say it because we haven't known each other for that long and I was worried it was one sided. But hearing you say you love me too...I just became so happy."  Eddie's heart slowed, a weight seeming to lift off his shoulders.  She loved him.  She loved him too.

Bringing her into a tight embrace, Eddie whispered a stream of "I love you" into her ear. Now that he had said it, and now that he knew she felt the same, he didn't think he would ever get tired of reminding the beautiful creature before him that he loved her. And he would never let a day go by where he didn't tell her just that, because Aileen had his heart. In his heart and mind, he knew that Aileen was his forever. Being loved by her meant that he could conquer any and all odds that may stack against him;  that all the good in his life would be because of her. As they both drifted off into a blissful slumber, Eddie knew that he never wanted this feeling to end.

When Aileen woke the next morning, her first thought was that she felt sore. Shifting in Eddie's bed, remembering the night before, she gave a content sigh, grinning. Looking over at Eddie, seeing he was still sleeping soundly, Aileen went to get out of bed with the intent of showering and making some breakfast for Eddie before school.  The moment she tried to sit up, however, strong arms pulled her back, clutching her close. Eddie kept his eyes shut, but a small mischievous smile crept onto his face. "Five more minutes, Sweetheart." As he began to trail small, sleepy kisses over her skin, Aileens body responded.  Surely they wouldn't...not this early in the morning...

Finally opening his eyes, his grin widening, the familiar gleam of absolute lust in his eyes, Aileen couldn't help but respond.  Laying her back against the pillow, Eddie maneuvered his body to be above hers, his length hardening at the sight of her naked in his bed first thing in the morning. As he grabbed another condom, putting it on, he wondered how he was supposed to enjoy the mornings when she didn't stay over anymore. How was he to greet the day when she wasn't beside him every morning? Making sure she was good to go, Eddie lazily pushed himself into her, groaning as he felt her warmth surround him. Aileen's eyes closed, the feeling of him within her consuming her thoughts. Whereas the sex the night been before had been all about the frenzy and passion they felt for each other, this felt more intimate. The sun was rising, the sounds of a new day surrounding, and as he moved himself above her, Aileen couldn't have thought of a better way to start the day.

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