billyseng 5

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The next 2 weeks go bye pretty fast everyone's excited to meet the fans and go to Korea.

Mira: ok everyone don't forget to pack for tomorrow. We meet at the airport at 7:30am
The plane leaves at 8:00am.

Perth: yes mam.perth says excited.

Perth: billy will you and seng come together?

Billy: idk I have to ask him if he needs a ride.

Perth: ok see you at the airport tomorrow.
Perth says excited and smiling.

Billy: ok you to. Billy says chuckling.

Billy: seng do u need a ride tomorrow.

Seng: no I'm gonna walk a half and hour to the airport. Seng says sarcastically.

Billy: so I take it that's a yes then. Billy says smirking.

Seng: duh!

Billy: yes sirrrr!!!!! Billy says sarcastically while laughing.

Seng walks away rolling his eyes.

Back at Billy's apartment.

Knock knock!!!

Heng: billy get the door someone's knocking.

Billy: I'm trying to cook can't u get it!!!

Heng: I'm in the bathroom I can't!!!!!!

Billy: fine! I'll get it then!

Billy opens the door.

Billy's mom: well what took u so long.

Billy: mom hi what are u doing here? Billy asks smiling.

Billy mom: well can't ur mom came and see you before u go off to Korea. Billy's mom says while laughing and hugging him.

Billy: come in mom. Billy says smiling.

Billy's mom: I brought some of my delicious desserts that u and Heng love.

Heng comes walking out of the bathroom.

Heng: u brought some deserts.! Heng says excited and smiling as his eyes lights up.

Billy's mom: yes here have some. Billy's mom says while handing Heng a desert

Billy's mom: so who's this neighbor slash acting partner of yours  I'm hearing about.

Billy: uhh were a couple in the series that's all.

Billy's mom: mhm ok. Well let's bring him some deserts since ur neighbors then.

Billy: no mom plz he's probably busy we don't want to disturb him.

Billy's mom: nonsense. no one's ever to busy for deserts Billy's mom says smiling.

Back at sengs apartment.

Knock knock!!

Seng opens the door to see billy and his mom standing there.

Seng: uh hello. Seng says with a confused face.

Billy's mom: hi I'm Billy's mom it's nice to meet u. I've heard a lot about u.

Billy's mom: I brought some deserts over.May I come in. Billy's mom says smiling.

Billy's just standing there looking at seng making a no sign with his hands.

Seng looks at billy and smiles sarcastically.

Seng: sure I'd love for u to come in. Seng says smiling at billy.

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