Into the past

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Sparklez P.O.V

"Sparklez love its time to wake up" tom whispers in my ear. "Morning babe, why so early?" I ask. "Because your lady and Martha have a surprise for us" he said planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Ok ill be downstairs in a few" i said dragging myself out of bed. I got dressed in my usual attire and went downstairs. "Ok so she said that we are to meet at these coordinates and to bring an eye of ender and leave all our armor and wepons" tom said putting his stuff in a chest.

"Ok ill be one sec im just gona get an eye of ender an ill be back" i said pulling out my specter key. "Dont i got some for us" tom said handing me a bag. I grabbed the bag and toms hand then headed out.

time skip

"Ok thank you all for coming, today is going to be very emotional and serious. We will venture into the lives of our alter egos and our pasts. For you my heros you will get to see your past life and your other side" Martha spoke.

"For some this will be happy, for others this will cause great pain. I am sorry for that but this is something you all need to see" Ianite said. "Now sit in a circle and join hands" dec said.

We all got in a circle and held hands. I was next to tom and sonja and wag and tucker were across from me. "Now put your eye of ender's in the middle and close your eyes. Let the sleep consume you" Dec spoke.

"Never let go of eachother" is the last thing i herd before the darkness fell.

Sonja's dream

"Mommy where did you go, mommy im scared" the little sonja sobbed into the night sky. "honey i have to leave you here, i have no choice. But before i go drink this" the mother said handing the little sonja a drink. The little girl drank the liquid and started to feel a tingling feeling shoot through her body. An orange and white tail formed at her tail bone. Then to little ears sparng from her head. "Mommy im a fox!" the little sonja squealed. "Mommy?..." But she soon realized that her mommy was gone.

12 years later...

"I'll bet i can beat you, koa" sonja said as she raced through the forest alongside her brother. Another fox, "I'll bet you cant, sonja" . Sonja had lived a very happy childhood seeing she was only three when her mother left her. She is 15 now, and lives with the firefoxes. Thats where her last name came from.

"Koa do you feel the shaking, the land is shaking" sonja said stopping her race. "Yes actually i do... Sonja! The wave!" Koa screamed. "KOA" Sonja screamed and she was swept away from her home knocked unconscious and floated to her future.

Tom/Tucker's Dream

"Charizard! I choose you" the young tucker yelled, practicing his Pokemon skills. Tucker was an exceptional pokemon catcher and was at the top of his class. He had a best friend, Thomas syndicate. "Wow tucker you did it! You made him appear" The little thomas shouted. "Yayyy" tucker shouted.

13 years later...

"Charizard swords dance!" The 17 year old tucker shouted. "Jinx Ice punch!" his opponent shouted. "Jinx taken down with one hit" shouts the broadcaster. "YESSS" tucker yells, as his best friend tom runs to hug him. "You did so good mate" He yelled over the stadium.

"Thanks man" tucker said collecting his trophy. As the two are walking home the ground begins to shake "Tom do you feel that" tucker asks, but notices tom is no longer beside him. "Tom!" tucker yells. The wave sweeps him away knocking him out...

Jordan's dream

"I TOLD YOU TO STAY IN YOUR ROOM, YOU BRAT YOUR 5 AND IM 30 IM THE BOSS" The little jordan's dad yells. "But, but dad josh invited me to go play" jordan wined. "NO YOU DONT GET TO GO OUT , YOU GET TO GO TO YOUR ROOM" He yelled. "Oh o-ok d-dad" jordan said about to cry. The little jordan ran into his room, grabbed his suitcase and started to throw everything in it. "Come on jerry we are leaving" jordan said grabbing his pet slime.

15 years later

"Yes! I finally slayed the ender dragon" Jordan shouted holding his bow into the air. "JERRY I DID -" jordan shouted. "Jerry where did you go?... JERRY NOOO" jordan shouted a s the creeper blew up. Jordan carried the remains of jerry back to his tree. "J-jerry n-no p-please no" Jordan sobbed. "I see that your in mourning so ill just kill you now" jordan turned around and there was one of the gods minions. The minion slammed jordan against the wall jordan pushed him away and pulled out his sword the battled and jordan cut off his limbs one by one. Everything was on fire and the next thing jordan knew the platform had snapped and he was knocked unconsious.

Waglington's dream
"Ok young wizard it is time for your name choosing ceremony" the elder wizard announced to the young james. "Wizard james will you for now on be called-"
"EVERYONE PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR OR I WILL RELEASE THE DEATH SPELL" The witch announced. "Please dont hurt anyone zaila this has only to do with me" the elder wizard said. "NO I WANT TO FIGHT HIM" the witch boomed over the elder. "The trainie? why him?" the elder asked confused. "BECAUSE HE IS THE CHOOSEN ONE" The witch yelled. "I-I will fight you" James said standing up for himself. "FEEL MY WRATH, CHOSEN ONE" the witch shouted. "o-ok" James mumbles.
The witch blasted her spell at the young James and missed. James blasted an areal attack and hit the witch. "YOU LITTLE TWAT" she screeched. Her hands whirled up a purple tornado and blasted it at James.
He had earned his marks below his eyes, the purple swallowed James and brought him to the land of mianite...

To be continued...

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