Lovers rejoice and a new land...

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Martha's POV

"Mot do you have the last horcrux"? I asked. "Yes, i do i think we should gather the hero's at not-jeriah's place" He said pulling out the kikoku and examining it.

"alright, i'll call everyone out with there horcruxes, and we can revive my uncle!" i said happily.

Group chat

Martha; Hero's! everyone meet at jericho's house and bring your horcruxes. It's time for the revival of Dianite.

Tom; Hell yea, be there in 2


Waglington: I dont have a horcrux but i will be there for you my dear

Martha; Thank you waggles <3

Tom; Oi! go have sex in another chat please

Waglington: fuck off tom, thats probobly what you and sparklez were doing last night!



~At tucker's house~

"Alright my heros, mot will explain the process" i said pointing to mot.

Mot's POV

"Alright so each one of you is going to put your item in the center, they cant be touching. Next martha will put red dye in the center of the items, then i will enchant the items by a drop of blood. After that we will step back and boom! Dianite is alive again" I explained to the alter ego's of my friends.

I was calm and collected on the outside but on the inside, i was going to explode. My heart was racing, my thoughts were going 100 miles an hour,

I just hope i stay calm when dia- my lord arrives.

One by one the items were set in the center, Martha sprinkled the red dye on the items and in the center. I walked up to the circle and pricked my finger with the kikoku and watched the blood drop into the red dye. I set the kikoku down and motioned for everyone to back off.

My heart raced as the circle started to glow a red aura. A giant beam burst into the air and thunder struck, then all was completely silent. A body walked out of the beam, and at that moment i swear my heart skipped a beat.

Dia... He had crimsion red skin, clean pearl white horns,his classic goatee, and his grey suit. "Uncle!" Martha yelled and ran into dia's arms. He hugged her tight, his eyes full of longing for human contact.

"Missed you my niece" he said. "I missed you too uncle" she said almost crying. He walked over and shook sparklez hand "Thank you boyo" he said. "You are welcome dianite" spakrlez replied.

Dia turned around and looked me in the eyes, and i looked down at my feet. He walked over to me and lifted up my chin "Mot... How i've missed you" He placed his lips on mine, i was in total bliss.

"Dia, i've missed you soo much. I have needed to tell you something for a long time dia. I love you." I said tears threatening to spill. "Mot, I love you too" he said smiling.

Dia put his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek "Alright! Now that I have a body i can tell you all the plans i have been talking about with martha for a few months now. There is a realm, that we have gained access to. This realm, will everyones final home place" dia said calmly.

"So wait, we will be leaving ruxomar?' said the foxx. "We will not be able to come back to this realm ever, are you all willing to go?" Dia asked. Everyone looked at eachother nodding their heads. "I think i speak for everyone when i say this, we are defenitly fucking going" the foxx said and everyone smiled.

"You wont need anything but what you have on you, the alternates have gotten there and are waiting upon our arrival" He said. "Now everyone hold on to there loved ones, i will snap my fingers and thats it. Gone." I explained.

3rd person

Waglington pulled martha close and they wrapped their arms around eachother. Sonja pulled tucker into a kiss. Tom picked up sparklez bridal style, and sparklez tucked his head into toms shoulder. Mot wrapped his arms around dianite and everyone closed their eyes...

All went black

vibrant colors filled the eyes of the Hero's.

"Welcome to Neverland"


Thank you guys so much! This book has been amazing, i am happy to have had you all as my readers. This is the end of the book, but there will be an epilouge.



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