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Alarm clock rings, I slouch my head up. Mourning already.. I said Wearily I saw it was still dark... And I checked my clock, Five o' clock, crap I set it early! That Annoys me! I say to myself. Suddenly, my door slams open, me being in my little Pokemon center room, in a public place I was scared. Suddenly a murder comes in the room with a kitchen knife, wearing a Ski Mask, I saw in his red eyes he had rage burning inside him. Suddenly, his knife is knocked out of his hand and he was hit to the floor, and his head was kicked once. suddenly, the shadowy black figure revealed it self, and cutely said "Riolu" My eyes suddenly light up... I knew that "Riolu" from anywhere... It was Spirit...
[Spirit POV] (Time rollback)
Sat in the garden of Prof. Spruce's place. Heard People outside talking, I slowly put my ear along the fence and overhear there conversation, being curious. ???: "Have you located his location" One man with a stern voice says. Y-yes sir, Soul Flame is in the PokeCenter of Volcano Town... Send the murderer... The stern man says again. Wait.. I thought to myself... Soul...Flame?!??!? That's Dark! After the two men scatter Riolu jumped the fence and ran to Volcano, she being hatched in Volcano Town knew how to get from there and back. As the small Pokemon was faster then the Human, she got there first. but the only trouble is how does she find the Pokemon Center?!?!? Suddenly, she saw a man walk into the Pokemon center.. She could tell from the Ski mask he was wearing he was the murderer. She booked it, ran into the PokeCenter, rushing down the hall wall, hearing Dark Scream She went to the room and kicked the knife out of the mans hand. She then proceeded to trip him and kick him in the face, then she hears the light opened and sees Dark's scared face... "Riolu"
[Dark's POV]
Spirit.... What are you doing here?!? Spirit explains the whole story. Oh thanks so much, he pet Spirit and smiled you're the best Pokemon ever. He paused for a second. Wait you can talk?!?!??!?! Spirit shakes her head.. Can I understand Pokemon? Omg doesn't that mean I'm spec- Go, Houndoom The murder yells. Me, hesitating I throw out a random Pokeball and Mage comes out. God damnit... I say angerily... If I switch I will be defenseless for a second... And He has a chance to have pursuit ugh. Let's hope we can win! Mage Knock off, Mage quickly went up to Houndoom and Knocked his Life Orb off. Maybe he can survive a hit now? Houndoom suddenly used Fire Blast and Mage jumps over it, but when Mage lands he has a flamethrower to the face and he gets knocked out, badly, he has tons of burns on him and I have no potions, revives or full heals.. Mage! I yell is depression! A-are you ok?!? Mage barely holding on to his life, I return him. Excitement you know what to do! Water Shurkien! Houndoom used Agillity to dodge, he came up to my Excitement and hit him with a thunderfang. Doing good damage, but It wasn't stab so It wouldn't be doing AS much. Water Gun, excitement! When Houndoom was retreating to his position, he was nailed was a water gun, and it was done for. Next, he sent out Kirila. This Kirila wasn't pink and green... It was Black and Red.... And it was mad, rage burning in its eyes.. WHAT DID YOU DO TO THIS POOR POKEMON....?!?!

The story... of Dark (Pokemon FanFict)Where stories live. Discover now