Back to normal?!?

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I blanked back into time, finally done telling my sister the whole story, well what she missed. Anyway, After Calvin saved my life he turned his back on the murderer, and got stabbed. Then she was coming to visit, and she saw the trouble so he went in with her Altaria and messed up the murderer. Right now we were in the waiting room in the hospital, Calvin got stabbed and I got burned a little from the flamethrower... Well, I wouldn't wanna lie actually, My whole leg basically got messed up, but I don't give a f**k, I only care about Calvin at this point and time. The problem with me being rescued from someone by my sister, Shine is she brags and boasted a lot. Over the time I've gotten used to it, but being away from her for about 3 months, and then meeting with her was hell. It was like Satan was sitting across from me. Other than that, she's actually really protective, nice and awesome overall, she's the champion of Hoenn so that's big and she made me take off most of my clothes and made me do a 360 to check for bruises. GOD IT WAS AKWARD. Luckily Calvin was ok, and everything was normal, but what my problem was, who is the person that sent the murderer after me? So much questions so little answers, it sucked. Dark... Shine said, me and Calvin are going to travel with you now.. I was shocked, they think I can't handle myself?!? No thanks.. I politely replied, but she got a serious look on her face, I could see it through the glasses she was wearing. "It wasn't a question.", and it was not just an answer Haha! ^.^ I said Shine takes her hand and slaps me across the face. This is no time for games, Dark! Does not mean you need to slap me!!! I said weakly after a long long conversation she forced me to comply. So I did and now I was walking with my sister and brother, them being r ally good, they seeped through trainers, Calvin always wanting to take the battles, so my Pokemon gained zero Exp from the Route travel. Meh, We then sat down for camp, and we thought of it and Calvin suggested they give me a Pokemon and we go in separate ways, I accepted because if I was ever going to get better soon they needed to leave, so they gave my a level 1 (Recently breeder, I guess?) Absol with fire blast, and false swipe oh and tackle. I guess Tms? Walking towards the next town I was walking, There was a mini wall, with a huge entrance in the middle, I saw a girl walking out, red headed girl with long hair, and earring hoodie, I'll admit I was staring. I then walked into the town, walking into the Pokemon center, I deposited Absol into the PC and was about to walk out but I hear a big boom right next store. PokeMart. I said

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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