the first meeting- day 2 (P2)

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A/n- ha hi lmao i know its been quite a few days since ive updated lmao my bad. obviously i told u i had to get my pictures done. then i felt like fucking shit lmao (nervousness i start school in a week literally 3 days lmao) but ive come to tell u the new writing schedule starting from prolly September cause it would make sense but might start now. practically the first and third week of the month would be for this story. the second and fourth week would be for "what if im not good enough". im doing it like this because i need to really focus this year as its my last year of k-12 school (kindergarten through 12th) and if i get behind and i fail a a semester my chances of graduating are out the fucking window. obviously if im free/having motivation to write more of each story i will .really digging "saving prince ryujin" and i actually might revise " what if im not good enough" to the writing style i have this one in. also blame the fact that all yesterday (SATURDAY AUGUST 6th) i got alittle carried away playing osu! lmao im shit at the game but its so fun i think played for like 9.5 hours yesterdy lmao. anyways ill not bore u any longer with the life shit go read lmao

the achylis dungeon is two towns away from achylis castle. the king has guards on every side of the building to protect from intruders and incase prisoners do escape there cells.

they got to the dungeon. this building seems to be intact, as all of achylis buildings look. its massive at least 2 stories. ten foot marble doors with the achylis emblem. all the guards bow as the main 2 open the door.

ryujin, yeji lia, haewon, chaeryeong, yuna, hyunjin, and lily look up in awe

"wow this place is huge" chaeryeong said.

"how many floors does this place have? ryujin mumbled

"chaery do you see the marble doors!?" yuna asked

"if there are so many guards to keep people from escaping, why do you say your dungeon is the best out of all the main 5 kingdoms?" hyunjin asked

"y-yeji. t-this place i-is gorgeous" lia stuttered out

"yea yea whatever. ours is better" yeji whispered to hyunjin

"hyunnie! can we go in already?" lily asked

" hey miss lia. are you okay?" haewon asked as she held lia's hand

"miss haewon. please remove your hand from my sisters" yeji said.

"oh okay" haewon said as she removed her hand from lia's

haewon removes her hand from lia. yeji then turns back around as the king started to speak

"as you guys can see. main floor is made of marble tile and oak wood cells. the same with the upper 2 floors. the upper floors are for certain people. specifically people who did not want to join the army and theft no greater then 200 dollars. those offences call for up to 6 months in the dungeon. and as per the bottom 2  floors. actually never mind you guys dont need to know what that is for." the king said.

" mr.choi with all do respect. you can not start a statement and then counteract it with "actually never mind you guys dont need to know what that is for".  i think it is only fair to show us  how you guys run your dungeon so we can apply those options when we become kings and queens" ryujin said

"yea she has a point mr.choi" all the others said in unison

" you enoton and phelux princes and princesses are just as hard headed as your parents.  the bottom 2 floors are for  worse people. the first floor of the bottom 2 are for people who steal more then the 200 dollars. the second floor is where we....tend to the worse of the worse. the murderers, kidnappers, and rapists." the king said

"can we see it" hyujin lily and ryujin said in unison

"uh sure why not." the king said.

the king escorted the princes and princesses  to the 1st lower floor. the lower floors were the complete opposite of the nice marble and dark oak  of the upper floors. the lower floors had blood trails going towards and away from the cells. the floors were made out of concrete and the cells were titanium

"r-ryujin. where are you?" yuna called out

"hell no im not going down there" ryujin said

"miss ryujin where you not one of the people that wanted to come down here" yeji asked

" w-well ya see. i-i thought t-that the uh- the uh dungeon was going to uh - look similar through out." ryujin stuttered.

"miss ryujin. are you scared?" hyunjin and  chaeryeong asked.

"yes she is. she has a fear of tight dark spaces." yuna said

"yuna! i told you not to tell any body" ryujin exclaimed 

"awe. is da whittle baby scawed of the dark? " yeji baby talked, annoying the hell out of ryujin

"miss yeji" ryujin said while glaring at the older.

"ha im sorry. i just thought it would be perfect to mess with you. but hey if you want i will be right here with you. you can hold on to my arm if you would like." yeji said.

"s-sure t-thanks" ryujin mumbled as she slowly walked towards yeji

 ryujin grabbed yeji arm. the king resumed the tour showing everyone one what the bottom 2 floors looked like. 

"somebody help! get me out of here! i cant do this anymore! please somebody help!" the prisoner said

"shut up! you caused this your self. if you wouldn't have tried killing one of the princesses you would not be in the situation!" the guard yelled back

 as the princes and princess walked by ryujin looked over to see all the prisoners. they were very skinny, pale, bruised and cut up

"oh god. get me out of here. i do not want to be down here any more. i cant do this god please get me out of here"  ryujin mumbled

 yeji stopped walking and turned around to ryujin. ryujin was shaking really bad and was having shortness of breath. ryujin was indeed having a panic attack.

"im going to take  ryujin back up. you guys can continue the tour." yeji said

"oh god. get me out of here. i do not want to be down here any more. i cant do this god please get me out of here" ryujin mumbled a few more times before they finally made it to the main floor.

"miss ryujin. hey you are okay.  nothing is going to hurt you i promise." yeji said softly while holding ryujin in her arms.

"i-i hate d-dark sp-spaces. ah- please d-dont let g-go" ryujin exclaimed.

"i wont let go i promise. ill sit with you until you are ready ryuddaeng" yeji said

"ryuddaeng?" ryujin questioned in between her whimpers

"yes ryuddaeng. now please calm down and relax. im here with you there is nothing to b worried about." yeji stated calmly 

yeji sat on the floor with ryujin nuzzled into her chest for about 20 minutes until ryujin calmed down.  just about the time ryujin calmed down is the time the others came back.

"hey is she okay now?" hyunjin asked

"shes fine but i think she fell asleep" yeji said with a small smile

Yeji then picked ryujin up bridal style and took her to the horse and buggy. once they got back to achylis castle she then took ryujin up to her room which she was sharing with yuna. yeji then gave ryujin a little peck on the cheek.

"sleep well ryuddaeng" yeji said as she walked out

saving prince ryujin- ryeji ( On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now