Chapter 42

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“love!!! I have a surprise”

Godt made it home and look surprised at the mess

“ what is this?”

“don’t know, Bas?” Godt listen a little ruffle sound

“is Rolex here?”

Godt move to his room “ no, he left him with Cop”

Godt arrive to the room and open the door surprised with the view

“ Bas what…”

He move to check on Bas who was on the bed squirming under the blanket, but someone appear from behind the door and hold him by his neck choking him.

Godt struggle to get free trying to hit the person with his elbow, he move his body backwards against the wall to hit the attacker but it didn’t let go, he keep struggling feeling out of breath then listen a dry sound and the arms choking him loose strength and the person holding him fall on the floor


Joss was holding a vase in his hand looking surprised, he thought Bas and Godt where greeting each other but when he heard a hard noise he cheek if everything was fine, but instead he saw Godt struggling with someone choking him.

Godt recover his breath and move quickly to the bed, lifting the blanket he saw Bas crying with a tie on his mouth, his hands and his ankles.

“Oh my god! Bas”

Godt untie him and took the crying boy in his arms

“ Bas what happened, who…”

Bas move his hands urgently cheeking on Godt

“are you OK?!”

“yes Joss was with me, he help me” Godt stroke Bas face, he look at Bas and saw his shirt open “ And you! Did he do some thing?”

Bas hug him holding him hard “ no, you arrived on time, God! I was so scared, he was planing to kill you, he’s not in his right mind”

Joss move Tao to the living room and get inside the room again, Bas look at him surprised and move to hug him


Joss hug the boy stroking his back

“ I already call the police and I tied him up even though he’s unconscious, I think he must took some kind of drug, his smell is really awful”

Godt move to his side putting his hand on his shoulder

“ thank you man I don’t know what could had happen if you weren’t with me”

“Joss thank you”

Joss move his hand stroking Bas’s head “don’t worry” he felt something wet and look at his hand surprised “Bas you have some blood on your head”

Bas look confused but then he remember, when Tao attack him at the living room he must have fall and hit his head with the table, that’s why his head was hurting so much

“ it must be when he hit me, I think I hit my head with the table”

Godt looks at him worried checking on him

“ he hit you?! let’s take you to the hospital”

Godt got up calling his dad letting him know what had happened, the police arrive in that instant and take Bas’s declaration then took Tao to the police station




“you’ve a hard head boy” Godt’s dad make Bas laugh

“ I know, that’s why I can keep up with Godt”

Bas and Godt’s dad laugh while Godt look at them serious

“really? ! I’m so worried and you just make fun of the situation?”

Bas pout at him “ it’s just to distract us”

Godt huff while his father put his hand on his shoulder

“ he’s fine son, we already did  the CT and X-ray and everything is OK, he just had a little cut” he turn to look at Bas “ did your headaches continue?”

“ actually it’s been less, but just before we came it was really hard”

“ well we have to be very attentive of your migraines, but for now just take the medicines and let me know if the pain it’s to hard ok?”

“thanks papá” he smile at the boy, it was after he hear Bas calling mom to his wife that he get jealous and ask the boy to call him papá so his dad won’t be jealous, Bas cry a bit feeling so loved and start calling him papá since then

“ how’s my baby boy” Bas’s dad get inside the room

“I’m good daddy” Bas smile to his dad

“he’s fine, thank good the blood was just from his skin, we made the necessary test, and the ones my son ask…” he look at Godt who just move to kiss the forehead of the smiling boy “ and everything is in order”

Bas’s dad move to hug his boy
“ thanks”

Godt sit down, his dad also cheek on him but thankfully Tao didn’t get to hurt him badly, just some bruises on his neck
“did you talk to the police?”

Bas’s dad tense while holding his son
“Dad? What’s wrong?”

“lets say that Tao won’t be a problem now… or in the future”

Bas looks at him serious

“ what do you mean? What did you do?”

“hey! I didn’t do nothing” he looks at his son hurt but speak quietly “ he didn’t let me”

Godt got up looking at Bas’s dad “then what happened?”

Ms suradej look at them “ when they arrive to the police station he took the gun of one of the police officers and before they could react he shot himself”

Bas gasp surprised “what?”

“ they do some tests and it looks like he was under the effect of some drugs, they also found fake passports and plane tickets, he has plans to scape from the country” he look at his son “and not alone”

Godt walk around furious “that shit was planning to kidnapp him”

Bas move to hold God’s hand “ but it didn’t happen”

Godt hold him against his chest, both fathers left the room leaving them alone

“ I’m sorry” Godt talk crying on Bas shoulder

“why?, Godt you been helping me, and saving me since we met!”

Bas hold his face kissing him

“ but every time I’m late, Bas I love you so much, it makes me crazy thinking ‘what if I didn’t came back early, and if he took you away’?!”

“ but it didn’t happen, don’t hurt yourself thinking about things that didn’t happen, we’re fine and together, that’s what really matters now”

Godt kiss him hard, Bas was crying too, he had felt scared too, but he couldn’t help to think that if it hadn’t been him who get to the house, Godt could be death right now because of him

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