The pets meeting

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With the kids....

In her mansion where the girls are , Robyn sighed dreamily as she couldn't stop thunking about her dark savior

Maisie: That guy is awesome!

Charlene-( Dreamily ) Yeah. He was so handsome and mysterious !

Robyn sighed dreamily as she holds he rhands as Peppi smiles

Ice cube: He is really charming.

Samantha- I agree. his deep voice really attracted me~

Robyn- Oh my goodness...... I cant believe he defended me from Amy... And he kissed my hand~

Maisie: I know!

Robyn- But... I dont know how he knew my name and he was really protective of me

Peppi: I wish I could meet another superhero.

Robyn- Don't worry Pep'. Im sure there is another male heronyou might wind up liking too ~

Peppi giggles*

Pipsy- I told you girls he was the one.

Melody: Yeah!

The girls giggled. Unaware two male thieves see them and left.

With the pets....

All the heroes pets gsther up in the secret garden

Spinel: So why are we here?

Ava- Yeah.

Ruby: I bet it's something important.

Mr Kat: Meow!

Bunnicula appears with Bungee

Ruby: Daddy!

Bunnicula-( Hi sweetie !)

Bungee- We're here because of Blitzo' financial money problems

Magic: I see.

Chester- Wait a minute. This meeting is technically for adult pets. Not kids

The royal siblings pets are here too*

Sparky, Wolfy and their loved ones are here too*

Lugosi: I'm here master!

Fluffy- Okay is it me or is this a little too..... Animal Farm 1950s like ?

Harold: Is it?

Timmy and Bianca and their kids are here, the mogwai who are immune to sunlight arrived too*

Gizmo & Fleurette , Stripe & Vexy's babies are back home.

Chester- Yeah Fluffy's right. This is Animal Farm like

The rest of the jewelpets arrived*

Bunnicula- Jabi. Jababa jaba bababa ba bababa. ( Alright. Now that everyone is here I called this meeting not just a because of Blitzo but it turned out from the Bank tellers that they are doubling the mortgages up in Hell and in Dark Town with out home and the Weaselings castle

Opal: What?

Titana: That's bad!

Chester- Yeah. Not to mention there is some kind of virus that made extra obligations of making prices hire with warranties. ( At the audience ) The Covid-19 virus people , Stay safe

Daug: Bark bark! (What do you suppose we do?)

Bunnicula take sout the poster of the Zodiac stone with the reward money of 20,000 dollars

They look saying the reward money will be handed out from the Anti Villain league*

The pets are amazed and become delighted.

Bunnicula- Aba daba jaba! (We can retrieve the stone and turn it in to the AVL ! BUT Im only picking the pets who will be chosen to go !)

Ruby: Ooh!

Bunnicula first points at Chester and Harold.

Harold: Oh boy!

Bunnicula points to Snakey and Lugosi next

Lugosi: Thank you master!

Bunnicula then points to Aleera and Jade Rabbit

Aleera: Yay!

Jade smiles and hugs Aleera.

Bunnicula then points to Magic , William , Sparkles and Lily

Lily barks happily*

Magic-( Happily ) Awesome !

Bunnicula- Hmm...

He points to Ava , Bun Bun , and Succubunny

Bun bun smiles*

Subbunny- Nice !

Bunnicula points to Rowf and Snitter making them smile.

Snitter- Yes ! We haven't been noticed since we have been taken in by Sarah !

Rowf- Indeed.

Bunnicula- Hm......

He last but not least picks Copper the doctor rabbit

Ruby: Awwww, we jewelpets can help too.

Bunnicula chuckles and points at her Sapphie, peridot and tour

Ruby: Yay!!

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