Smarty argues with Beige

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At the boat*

Savy: What do you mean you don't have it?!

Spike: Whitey took it from me, he said he's going to China town to celebrate the Chinese new year with it.


Spike: I tried to convince him to give it back, but he needs it for good luck, he's not that stupid to lose it. Plus he hates being lonely.

Terrorsaur: We got five more hours before midnight comes.

Smarty-( To Beige ) Why did you even steal it in the first place ?! Huh ?! So you can show off what a villain you are ?!

Beige facepalms: Look so you want the vicious six to get rid of the police all over the world or not?

Smarty- Well maybe we wouldnt have this problem if you werent such an idiot. Seriously ? You should have gave it to us instead. Youre so stupid... Like the most stupid than Stupid Weasel Ive ever met.

Stupid: Uh? What?

Smarty- ( To Beige ) Okay. Next time Im seen with you Im gonna wear a shirt that says " IM WITH STUPID " !!!!

Stupid- Me ?

Smarty- Not you Stupid ! ( Points at Beige and glares ) Him stupid !

Savy angry: WILL EVERYONE BE QUIET!!!!!!

Smarty looks

Savy: Look honey, there is no need to be angry at Beige, yes he shouldn't have given it to us to be safe but he tried his best. And arguing is getting us anywhere, so let's just forgive and forget and get back on track.

Issac: Well it's about time Savy argues with her husband.

Savy: Issac be quiet or I will tell everyone your secret.

Issac: Eep! Okay.

Smarty- Well y'all can. Because Im not getting mixed up because of that sorry excuse of a squirrel. Never shouldve trusted him.( To Savy ) Out of all the people I thought you would be the smart one

Smarty then left.

Beige: I'm not stupid! I should've hidden it under my pillow!

Smarty-( To Beige ) Well then your are a complete screw up !! You cant do anything right !

He continued to leave

Savy pats Beige's back: Don't worry, he'll come back. But... I feel bad for yelling at my husband.

Crystal- Not to rub the salt in the wound but you both kinda deserved it.

Beige: Hey, we're going to make it right and find that Zodiac stone.

Crystal- You better. Or I will have YOU arrested and have everyone else arrested who laid their hands on the stone. That includes Spike , Whitey , and whoever gets it .

Tigs: Then let's go.

As they left*

With Smarty*

Smarty- Stupid Beige... Why did he have to go and steal that stupid stone ?

Smarty remember the words his father said to him*


Theyre outside , Smarty is fourteen as Brock is trying to teach him how to use a gun

Brock: Okay I want you to shoot those cans.

Smarty- I dont know Dad. Im scared of guns

Brock: Just aim and pull the trigger!

Smarty- Okay okay Dad !

Smart shakily aimed the gun at the middle can and whimpered as he shot for the first time which made him fall from the impact of the shot and he barely stop the lid top

Brock: Really?!

Smarty- I ! Im sorry Daddy ! The gun was heavy and The shot was too strong !

Brock: You are really stupid! You can't even think straight!!

Smarty- Dad ! Im sorry !

Brock: You disappoint me, you can't even do anything right. *as he went back in the house*

Young Smarty sat there tearing up.

Flashback ends...

Smarty tears up as well.

Smarty felt bad for yelling at Beige and Savy*

Smarty- Im becoming just like my Father......

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