Where's the Zodiac stone

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Back with Beige and his siblings, they are at the strawberry cafe eating*

Beige has the fake Zodiac stone around his neck*

Ora- I still dont approve of your idea

Terrorsaur: Babe, it's okay, the Vicious six won't get their hands on it.

Ora blushes.

Ora- I like it when you call me babe~

Terrorsaur blushes*

But before they could finish their food they hear sniffing.

Metal Savy: What was that?

They all look amr see Chubby Checker staring at them.

King Shark gasped: A seal!? Yummy!!!

Chubby- Bliggy bligggggggg ! Blegg ! Bitch.

Metal Savy: Excuse me?

He hopped over to them and gave them cute beady eyes.

Chubby- Fibsh... Fibsh ! Fibsh ! Blegg....

Beige: Hey, you have whiskers like me.

He pets him.

Chubby-( To Ora ) Eggs

Razoff: Eggs?

Ora blushes.

Chubby-( To Terrorsaur ) Beef !

Terrorsaur: I'm beef?

Chubby-( To King Shark ) Fibsh !

King Shark: I am a fish.

Chubby-( To Beige ) Bread

Beige: Awwww. *pets his head*

Chubby smiled and looked at Razoff and Waspy.


Waspy and Razoff are confused*

Chubby- Blegg......

Chubby sees Beige's tea and gently dipped his muzzle in it

Beige chuckles and pets him*

Savy and the others came*

Savy: Beige there you are!

Beige: Oh hey guys, I'm petting this seal.

Chubby looks at them sniffing Beige andthem as his snout is covered in tea

Tops: I see you met Chubby Checker.

Chubny- Blegg ! Blegg ! Bridge...... Bridgaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh !!

Jason: We need your help.

Terrorsaur: What is it?

Malikai: We need to turn in the Zodiac stone to the AVL so we can get the money for Blitzo.

Razoff: Do we have to?

Smarty- Wait a minute. Before we can take it I wanna make sure its REAL

Beige: Razoff, it's the least we can do to be good to them.

Razoff: Fine....

Beige: And besides let's use it one more time before we turn it in. *presses the snake stone but nothing happened* Huh? Wha? Why is it not working?

Smarty- What do you mean ots NOT worki g ?

Lancet walks covered in kisses*

Beige: I don't understand, why isn't it working?!

Lancet looks: Oh are you wearing the fake Zodiac stone?

Smarty looks pissed.

Smarty- What...... Did you say.....

Beige looks at him: Lancet, what did you do?

Lancet: Oh me and Jagger's girls are upset at us, so I saw the real Zodiac stone which gives me an idea, I sold the Zodiac stone to get these rare flowers for our girlfriends and they loved us

Razoff dropped his glass*

Beige: Jeffy, I want you to say it.


Arabella- Thank you !!

Smarty- Thats it !

He tackles and starts beating Lancet up.

Smarty- I am sick of all of you poor excuses of toons who cant help but screw everything up for everyone !!

Beige: Who did you sold the Zodiac stone to?!

Lancet: I sold it to Spike!

Waspy: Which Spike?!

Lancet: Spike the rat henchrat!

Pisces appeared listening to the whole thing and gets angry again.

Pisces- ( To Lancet ) What did you do ?!

She then ran off.

Lancet: Oh boy now I need to make it up to my girlfriend.

Terrorsaur: We need to find it before the Chinese new year begins.

Beige: It's tomorrow right?

Terrorsaur: No what we did is that we used the zodiac stone to make normal sized animals, but when the Chinese new year comes, the zodiac animal transformation will become bigger and stronger! Meaning when it's midnight, it will be the Chinese new year.

Ora then glares at her mate and his friends.

Ora- This is ALL YOUR FAULT !! This is what happened when you never get your way ! WHY CANT YOU STOP STEALING FOR ONCE ?!

Razoff: Now now, we can fix this!

Terrorsaur: We'll fix it babe!

Savy: Com'on, we need to get to the Zodiac stone before the Vicious six or anyone else evil gets it first. *as they left*

Serverus listens: Looks like it's a race to get the stone, not if I get to it first, and Sonia will be mine....

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