Checking Source Material

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Kai and the computer guy he had been paired with sat at the table with a laptop and papers scattered everywhere, both of them feeling tired after spending hours searching for nothing.
"I'm in!" The computer tech announced, grinning like a mad man, "Westwood & CO's mainframe. I can access anything of theirs now."
"Why is he making his product?"
"Easy. He wants to create an army to take over the world so he's making kids with microchips in their brains so he can control them when he launches his attack on the world government." Jinx smirked as she walked through the door and the computer tech paled, "She's actually not far off."
"What do you mean, 'She's actually not far off' Ryder's not actually making an army to take over the world is he?"
"He is. And it doesn't look good. Back when he started up he vowed to have one million products sold by a certain deadline. That deadline is next year and that marks the date on which he will start a full scale war. It will be started by small pockets of his children creating protests, then he will move on to damaging political monuments and so on until he has all of his children under his control, at which point he will have them all attack their country's government buildings and religious houses as a demonstration that he controls the world and nobody can do anything about it. He will use every subcategory slightly differently, sporty and stronger builds will be used as straight up soldiers. Geniuses will be used as protesters and to damage buildings. Medically minded children will become the field doctors. He's creating an army of children and each different type of child he sells is for a reason, he has this whole thing planned out. He doesn't seem to care that the planet is over populated either. As for how he will control them, he has created a type of microchip that is embedded into the brain and once it is activated, the connections it has made throughout the years will strengthen and it will kill all thoughts and actions other than what is sent directly to it. The children will be trapped inside their own bodies with no way to control them, they'll just have to sit back and watch as they kill people, destroy buildings and ruin their homes."
"That's so sad!" Jinx cried, for someone that people claimed to be exactly like Kai, she sure showed a lot of emotion. The opposite of Kai who looked like a lump of rock. He showed no emotion and he made no noise.
"Wait, how and where's he make them then?"
"Dunno. That's classified and hidden. More hidden than the contents of Kai's juvie record that is." The tech replied, "It costs two million to buy one, you pay up front, explain every detail of the child from eye colour to blood type to a category to personality. You can even choose their hobbies later in life, whether they'll be a musician, a painter, a soccer coach or a reader. Some things cost extra, heterochromia, perfect skin, that means no freckles, no beauty marks, nothing. They made custom shaped birthmarks cost more too."
"That's ridiculous! Who's going to pay two million then add extra on top?"
"Famous people with more money than they know what to do with." Jinx blanked, she had never liked people with more money than necessary. They could donate it to people in need but instead they buy materialistic stuff that they will never use.
"I'll make dinner, what do you want?"
"Anything except whatever shit we had last night." Kai muttered, "How do I buy one of these kids?"
"What?! Why would you want to know that?"
"Because if we figure out how to buy one, we can figure out where which means we can trace it back to where they are made."
"I hate it when you talk sensibly-"
"Then we can blow it up."
"There goes the sensible Kai that comes to play every once in a green moon."
"I thought it was a 'blue' moon?"
"Green is even rarer than blue.
"Sure, whatever. I think I just burned rice..." Jinx walked in, her shirt did look a little on the torched side.
"Order pizza." Kai yawned, the thought of burnt rice made him tired for some reason, maybe because sleeping is usually the only way to get out of Jinx's cooking. Actually, burning would be a more accurate term than cooking.
Some day, Jinx would have to learn to cook something other than popcorn without burning it but then again, she still struggled with that.
"Wait- Can these people reproduce? I mean, if they can, then what happens with the baby? Can it still be controlled or what?"
"Girl, the oldest one sold is currently twenty three if our estimates are correct, its unlikely that any of them have even thought about having children yet. I doubt even the twisted minds behind all this even know what they are and aren't capable of."
Kai got up from his seat and muttered, "Yes, they can." before walking off towards his room. Inside he threw his jacket off and changed into more comfortable clothes for going running, leaving his phone on his bed and leaving the house. He already had a strong opinion about this case and he couldn't see any positivity in it. Sure, he'd been taking suicide missions for the past however many years but something told him that he had to stop that soon or people would start to notice. They would start to notice that he hadn't been entirely truthful about his past. About where he came from and why he grew up in the foster system.

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