Shots Fired

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The table between them felt too small as Kai and Jinx waited on their guest.
Pretending to eat a meal had never been the strong suit of either of them. Patience didn't really fit into their world.
Kai felt the urge to shoot something getting stronger and Jinx couldn't sit still for much longer. They had been sat at the table for a good three quarters of an hour now, their boss sat at the bar, a glass of water in hand as he watched the room go by.
The owner of the restaurant knew about their operation but none of the other staff. They couldn't risk anything getting leaked.
"We've been sat here for three quarters of an hour. I'm calling a no show if he doesn't turn up within fifteen minutes." Jinx stabbed at her food, Kai had barely touched his cutlery, let alone the food in front of him. Restaurants were never really his thing. Nothing ever went well for him in public eateries.
The pair of them sat, glaring at each other, neither of them wanting to admit that maybe their tip off had been wrong.
The doors swung open almost exactly fifteen minutes later, a man with a large coat, a baseball cap covering his face and a pair of sunglasses to cover his eyes. He wore leather gloves and run of the mill leather boots. Anything and everything to avoid being recognised, he looked like a stereotypical PI except the gun in his hand stated otherwise.
People immediately started to scream at the sight of the gun but the man didn't move. He scanned the room three times. Looking for a specific person.
His eyes landed on Kai as he moved forward. Weaving through the tables.
Kai and Jinx exchanged looks and pulled their pistols without causing too much of a scene, keeping their pistols discretely pointed at the man, they couldn't see his face, they couldn't identify him but very few people had the means to track down a covert agent with no online presence.
"What's going on?" The boss asked. His voice carried over their coms as he watched the scene unfold, he couldn't move on fear of giving away his own position.
"An unknown has pulled Kai's face from a crowd. We're waiting on an identification." Jinx muttered, "Such a shame law gets in the way here."
"Identify yourself." Kai stated, looking at the man who stood at their table.
Time slowed at that moment.
The mystery man raised a pistol at the pair of them and the boss jumped from his seat to rush over, holding a government agency badge.
Four gunshots were fired, two from Jinx's gun and two from the man's gun.
The man fell to the floor, blood pooling around him. One bullet lodged in his chest, the other in his forehead. Execution style.
Nobody spoke for what felt like hours.
The boss tried to get people out of harms way as Jinx dealt with the dead body on the floor. Neither of them thinking about Kai.
Kai sat in his seat, his normal blank expression plastered across his face and his stiff posture holding strong. Nothing looked off.
Kai, give me a hand." The boss stated, he called in the shooting at the same time, or tried to. Doing it one handed looked far more difficult than it looked.
"Kai!" The boss called again, assuming the young man hadn't heard him the first time.
"Kai!" Jinx cried. She looked up to see his shirt soaked through with crimson and his body slightly limper than usual.
"Call an ambulance!" She dragged her friend into a lying down position, putting her whole body weight onto his wounds.
"Fuck, I knew bringing him wasn't a good idea." The boss swore, "I should've known this would happen."
"He told you then. Only took two years." She whispered, watching her best friend die took all of her energy.
"Come on man, don't die. Not like this. You promised to find the dickheads who killed Killian. You haven't done that yet."
Kaiden couldn't reply, his head had completely frozen. Nothing seemed to be entering his mind, her voice never got to him, he couldn't even feel her touch. As hard as he tried, he couldn't move, think, or talk. It had happened. He had died inside. He had stopped.
News crews pulled up outside with cameras pointing inward, filming everything happening.
The headlines would range from 'Affluent Assassination' to 'Agent Saving Criminal'
Kai's face had never been in the news for a good reason. They never gave him the justice he deserved.
Jinx didn't notice as the tears fell down her face and her breathing became ragged.
"You can't die, not now. What about Amelia and Kieran? What will happen to them?"
"Jinx. You know that he-"
"Shut up! Kai won't die, he never does! We've had six funerals for him before, he's died six times before, this will be exactly like those times!"
The paramedics arrived and took a glance at the dead body beside the Boss who pointed to the gun shot wound in the man's skull before pointing to Jinx who hadn't moved from where she leaned against Kai, still putting her whole body weight on his stomach.
Blood had pooled across the floor, spreading out around him as he continued to bleed out.
"Ma'am, I need you to move out of the way now." One of the paramedics spoke in a quiet voice. She looked at him with her tear stripped face and shook her head, "I- I can't- I can't lose him."
"I know. And I will do everything I possibly can to make sure he survives."
Jinx slowly shifted away from her best friend's lifeless state but she couldn't go far.
The boss ended up dragging her away from the young man, sliding her across the polished floor.
Jinx took another look at the shooter and tears started to fall again. She recognised that face but she had no name to give him. The red arrow piercing the red circle with a back line though it had been tattooed onto the side of his neck. That man had been an elite. That man had been just like her once.

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