the babysitter

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Eddie print) juicy bold)

I was watching my neice when I got a call my sister was in the hospital I wanted to take her son but he was so little so I didn't bring him and called a babysitter when he arrived I was shock to see eddie I haven't seen him since highschool, wow its nice to see yor here eddie :)

Yeah so how's life and who's child is that?? Oh its my sisters kid I am just watching him well I got to go oh OK... Well here's my number call me ;)
Mhhhhh I will think about but OK

*after visiting his sister

I stare at eddies number should I call?? No I bet he's busy fuck it!! *gage calls eddie hello?? Is this gage?? Oh great I have been waiting for you to call me!! Oh OK well how was your day?? Good and yours??  Also good so wanna meet up?? Like go to the park or something??? Sure but hold on I got to pick up my gf oh OK * in juicy's mind * damn it he has a gf fuck well I guess I should just get rid of this feeling for him away but its going to be hard

* after eddie picks up gabby

Hey eddie are you ready??yeah dawg come pick me up at ******* OK meet you there

Eddie and gage meet up

So what do you wanna do??? Wait want some ice cream??? Sure!!

*Eddie buys gage and him some icecream

Wow this is good right gage?? Yes it really is! :) * eddie noticed that gage had something on his mouth and he thought of a funny idea to mess around with him

I get in front if gage and then I see the piece of ice cream and licks it off it face I see him blushing like crazy then he came up at my face and kissed me I pushed him off and then I get on top of him plus we were in the car  anyway ( yes when they were eating there ice cream they were heading to the car so yeah..) Then I kiss his neck and I started to hear his little moans ahh~~ then I went to the front to drive to the house not because I wanted to have sex but to play my electric guitar but gage wanted sex so.. Yeah

Bro when I was wrighting this I was also listening to teenage dirt bag so yeah..

I love him more than anything eddie x juciyWhere stories live. Discover now