jealousy part 2

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Eddie print) gage bold)

I woke up sweating. It was just a dream and eddie and gabby didn't get married but then I check the invitation it was tomorrow and I also had a appointment tomorrow its was 5:59 am I had to get ready by eight so I started early, first I brushed my teeth and then took a shower got dressed and went to go eat breakfast at San'io Mexican cafe'

6:09 I had already made it and when I walk in the door I saw my old friend from highschool mike!! I yelled out he came up to me and hug me its been forever after that we had dinner and then we left each other alone amd then I went to take a nap when I got a knock on my door it was eddie

I knocked on gages door god I missed him when he opened the door he had a sweater and jeans on : hey gage I got a question for you??? What is it eddie??? Um can I go inside this is private eddie I live alone and no one is here just tell me right here fine well... I don't want to marry Gaby wait what what made you think that * silence filled up the room * Eddie what or who made you not wanna marry Gaby um its hard gage I can't just tell you can I just go inside its about to rain and I will tell you OK? OK
* inside the house

So who is it um..  Wow this is going to sound very weird but you...what?
Um.. You made me not wanna marry you have a crush on me?
Yes I do... Well I like you to really?
Yes eddie i do and I would love to spend my whole life with you

Can I... Kiss you?
What! Oh sure

Gage leaned in and kissed eddie

The kiss it felt so smooth like it felt like fireworks and there was butterflies in my stomach I don't know what wizard gage was but I wanted more and more I started to fell my pants get tighter and tighter god gage why do you got me feeling like this. I slipped my hand in my patns and started to jerk off just to get this down then I felt gage push me on my back making more room for me to jerk off

Eddie was jerking off so I decided to help him ;) I pulled down eddies pants and started to jerk him off going faster and faster every second he started making soft moans gage jerking me off was so different than anything I started to moan ah~ mhhh~ oh~~ ahhhh!! God damn he started sucking my sweet spot ahh~~ daddy

( sorry kinda cringe

I love him more than anything eddie x juciyWhere stories live. Discover now