Issue 12: Trauma

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Changbin's POV

"Okay, that's the last wound.." I say wrapping up one of Y/ns arms in a large bandage. Thankfully she was not majorly hurt. Only 3 stitches for her right arm, 5 scrapes on her other arm, and a small cut on her eyebrow. After today though, I am sure she will be covered in bruises. Nonetheless, I was blessed to know that she was simply thrown around and nothing more.


"I'm glad I made it in time.. I heard you scream for me, I was relived to know you were still.. alive."

"If you didn't stop it, I would have died on that last flip. I am sure of it."

"I'm sorry for throwing you out so openly.. "

"Well now you know where Beyond likes to hang around.. And we can continue to push forward together." I smiled widely at her words. She was really taking me seriously even after I almost got her killed by Beyond.


"What happened when I drove off? How did you shake him off??'

"Well.. I was planning on playing around with him while you made a getaway since it has been awhile. Though, he was relentless and kept targeting you. He kept telling me that he was going to kill you since I killed someone he loved. I was pushing him down on the road via gravity and I tried to build a gravity field around him all at once, but he broke through by making a storm inside it. He pushed me back with it's force and that is when he flipped the car even though you were a mile out. Beyond kept counting every flip you made like some kind of psychopath. When he shouted six, I barley pulled my self back up and stopped you by picking the car up. Beyond was sure you were dead so he didn't stop me from lifting that car. The look on his face was great when you screamed for me.. He was so sure you died, but you cut his assurance right off. That's when I dropped the car, because he was rushing into me pulling the momentum of the slight breeze into a raging gust at me and the other hand guided that car to that park. I saw my chance to get out when you crawled on the ground, used all my strength to disappear before his eyes and appear at your side."

"He must have followed you."

"Tried, but I am way faster then him.. So there is no need to worry."

She chuckled to herself, "What am I going to tell my Gran about my cuts..?" 

"Wait right here." I run up stairs and come back down with a hoodie. Y/n gives me a look before taking it from me. She looked very doubtful that a hoodie could do something.

"What about my eye brow?"

"You hit your head at work. Which isn't a lie." She nodded and starts to walk up stairs to change. Once done, she walks back with the hoodie on and a soft smile. Gosh, she was so cute. The hoodie was two sizes over, so her hands were nonexistent and her ass was completely covered. Though she didn't mind, even when I asked if she rather have a smaller one.. Obviously, I too liked the idea of the larger hoodie on her.

The next day was normal besides the fact Y/n decided to wear the hoodie I let her barrow. When I asked her about it she simply replied with "The classrooms are cold and your hoodie is warmer then mine". Despite the fact that Yeonjun was late to first and second, he noticed the hoodie immediately and flipped out. I found it funny especially since he knew it was mine. Y/n simply rolled her eyes as he kept going on about it. Though, I didn't say a word and just let him get angrier and angrier. At one point he finally notices her eye brow and immediately gets concerned. It was like he flipped a switch in his mind. Watching that really confirmed my suspicion that Beyond was mentally breaking. Which is exactly what I've been wanting. He has become so reckless and snappy that he does things a super hero would normally avoid. Like yesterday when he killed that kid in blind rage.

Y/n still came to work that night despite yesterday. Fixed up the computers and installed monitors for all eight birds. Even through the next couple of days she was constantly doing what she could for me. She kept an eye out for Beyond and wrote full reports after each night. Y/n did much more than what I had asked of her. And weirdly, even after that argument we had, Y/n seemed closer to me. It was like we were back in the library reading comics. Instead of paper and ink, it was technology and organizing authorities on the streets.

"Fifth is crime central. I can tell that by the activity on the birds. And it has only been two days." She says  controlling the movements on number 001.

"It makes sense why Beyond was around that area." I say sitting beside her. Y/n moves the camera around the neighborhood until she lands it on a railing on the playground.

"There is still police tape here."  She says staring down at the scene. I bet she was thinking about that kid.. Y/n witnessed with her very eyes what Beyond was capable of. It is unfortunate she had to experience that trauma so soon. I touch her arm and slide my hand down until I I reached her hand. Y/n with sparkling eyes looks up at me.  She intertwines our hands and keeps it there the whole time even when flipping through the rest of the birds.

I felt so warm knowing that she wasn't as afraid of me anymore. If any she seemed even more comfortable than ever being that she held my hand so tightly . It is also safe to say I wouldn't be getting my hoodie back anytime soon.

Yeonjun's POV

"BREAKING NEWS! Its confirmed by authorities and Beyond himself after an altercation with Spear that the villain now has an accomplice who goes by the name Karma." The camera switches to an interview with me.

"Spear having an accomplice is grounds for concern but for me its hope for a breaking lead in exposing him. I will not rest until both of them are caught for terrorism and treason."

The tv switches back to the woman speaking before, " According to local police an 8 year old boy Troy Markson was killed brutally on the site of the battle by the new accomplice. The family demands for justice for their loss and is demanding the government to finally rid the streets of Spear. Services will be held later this week and we give our prayers to the family. Karma has Ombre pink hair and wears all black along with a face mask just like Spear. If you see her or Spear please contact the number seen on the screen."

My mom sighs which snaps me from my daze at the TV, "Do not get worked up over the kid. Spear and his ways are violent. It was not your fault-"

"You are right. This all Spear's fault. Every time he shows up someone dies.." I say leaning back into my chair. It was two days after the  incident and I still couldn't get over the whole encounter. Fucking Spear loves to pop up in any place he desires these days. Its frustrating with how slippery he is. Its like I am trying to hold down a slimly fresh fish. Now that he has a little helper, who knows what he is planning. Though, all I know is that she is his weakest link. It was my bad judgement to try and simply murder her on the spot. I should be more logical and use Karma before I kill her. And the good thing is she seems to not have any superpowers. The girl is a normie nobody and that kind of flower is easy to pick..

Mom speaks softly again, "Are you finished with your dinner?"

"Yeah, I will go and wash the dishes."

"No. You should rest before they call you out again." I nodded before excusing myself from the dining table. I walked all the way to my room and did nothing but sit and think. I thought about Spear. Mostly about how irritated he makes me feel and how I wanted nothing more than to kill him. And I also thought about Y/n continuously becoming closer and closer to Changbin. She told me she'd think about me... Though after the other day with his hoodie; I'm beginning feel like she is lying about her relationship and intentions with Changbin.

Suddenly, my watch beeps letting me know that a new crime has sparked. I shut off my mind pushing every though back. It was time to put on a face and walk around giving other hope just like my dad once had..

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