chapter 19 the truth

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Yasmine POV:
When I heard him said that I was shock,so had tell the truth,"well you already me him."I said in a worry face,"No I didn't only people met is Ian and Ant.....ANTHONY!!"he said freaking out,"how?"he ask,so I told him what happened at LA."wow I feel bad for you."he said as he hug me,"I know.....hey Sohinki how come it easy to talk to you?"I ask,"well your not the only one who had bad things in the past,when I was in 7th grade my parents died then my grandma had to take care of me,then in 9th grade that when she died now I'm taking care of myself."he said as he look at his shoes,"well I guess our life's know what I think we should stop this fake dating and really date since we had problems in the past and and we can help each other."I said as kiss him on the lips,"if you don't want to that fine."I said as pulled away from the kiss,when I look down at my shoes,soon sohinki grabbed my hand and whisper in my ear,"let go to my house."he whispered.

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