chapter 35 wedding day

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3 weeks later
Yasmine POV:
It was my wedding day and I saw myself in the mirror,and saw myself with cuts,bruises,and of course me in a wedding dress. I can't say I don't then I never get to see my family again,but this is the last day I'm going to see Ian,Anthony, and mom."are you ready?"Julian's mom ask,I just nod. When the music came on, everyone stood up. I could see Ian,Anthony,mom,and the gang looking at me.
2 minutes later
"Do you,Julian Carter,take Yasmine Davenport to be your wife?"the priest said,"I do."he said,"Do you,Yasmine Davenport,take Julian Carter to be your husband?"priest said,"I d-"I was cut off by cops coming in and arrested Julian and taking me too the hospital."Yasmine it going to be OK we are going to put you to sleep."the nurse said as she put the shot in my arm,then there was blur.

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