chapter 36 the hospital

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Anthony POV:
It was Yasmine's wedding and I'm afraid that I'm not going to see her,"look Anthony I know it's going to be hard to see your sister getting married when she was kidnap,but we are going to face it."mom said. We waited for 15 minutes 'till she came out. We saw Yasmine in a wedding with cuts and bruise, but still looks pretty. I almost herd Yasmine say 'I do' but she was interrupted by the cops coming in.
At the hospital
Me and Ian ran to Yasmine room until we bump into Sohinki, then three of us ran to her room."YASMINE you are alive?"I said then went to go hug her,"yeah I'm fine it just some cuts,bruise,and a black eye behind all of that I'm fine."she said,some how all happy like she doesn't care,"why are you acting like that?"Ian ask,"like what?"she ask,"like you didn't care about getting rapped?"I said,"because the doctor gave her a shot so she won't go crazy."the nurse said."Yasmine I missed you so much."Sohinki said as he gave her a kiss.
Yasmine POV:
I found my self in a hospital feeling all happy,then Anthony, Ian, and Sohinki came in the room asking me a lot of questions like what happen when I was rape."guys the doctor said I'm going to get out of the hospital tomorrow so the mean time they are going to check on me."I said so to shut them up." OK we were just worried....why are you still in you wedding dress?"Ian ask,I was about to say something 'till the nurse came in,"well she is not anymore because she is going to change."she said as she handed me the hospital gown.
4 minutes later
When I was done getting dress I had to go to bed.

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