Chapter 1

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"Mommy!!" A little girl shouted running into her parents room, the girls wavy brown hair flying in every direction. Her grey eyes searching she looked for her mother.

Inside the room Hermione Malfoy sighed before stepping out of the bathroom where she had been fixing her hair. Her daughter was standing in the middle of her room, eyes rimmed with red and a few tears falling down her cheek.

"Lyra, what happened?" she asked, walking over and pulling Lyra into a hug.

"Leo stole my new dolly!"

"come on, lets go sort this out". Hermione picked up her 5 year old daughter and walked to the kitchen. Inside a boy with brown hair and grey eyes was sitting at the table. His hand closed on a small doll with bright red hair.

"Leo, why did you take her doll?" Hermione asked.

Her son looked up at her before responding, "Lyra was being mean to me!"

Hermione sighed again, this was an ordinary morning in the Malfoy household. Leo and Lyra were almost always fighting and in those few times they weren't fighting they were teasing their little brother or pranking the neighbors.

The sound of pecking on the window drew her attention away from the twins and to the owl by the window. An owl could only mean one thing, but Leo and Lyra still has 6 years before they went to Hogwarts.

Hermione walked over to the window letting the owl in, tied to it's foot was an envelope with the Hogwarts crest on it. she took the envelope before letting the owl fly back to wherever it was ent from.

The letter was to a Ms. Hermione Granger. I guess they don't know I got married, she thought to herself . tearing the envelope, she read the letter:

Dear Ms. Hermione Granger

We are pleased to invite you to the 10 year reunion of the class of 1998 that will take place August 30 at 19:30 - 22:30 in the great hall at Hogwarts. Please feel free to bring any spouse or children that you may have. There will be a room for any children to play in. Hope to see you there.

Neville Longbottom

deputy headmaster

P.S. Please come, we really miss you.

Hermione sat down staring at the letter. Leo and Lyra looking over her shoulder at the letter, their fight forgotten. The sound of shouting brought her out of her thoughts. Standing back up, she put the letter on the counter and walked down the hall to her youngest child's room.

Orion Malfoy looked just like his father except his eyes which were a warm brown. He loved watching his sibling fly around the house on toy broomsticks. Although he was only 2, Orion loved looking at books, even though he couldn't yet read.

Hermione stepped into her sons room and walked over to his crib in the far corner. Orion was standing by the bar looking at her with his big brown eyes.

"Good morning sweetheart. How did you sleep?" she asked picking him up and out of the crib. Orion buried his head in her shoulder, before muttering a quick, "good". Hermione walked back into the kitchen were her twins had started fighting again.

sighing for the third time that morning she said to them, "Guys stop fighting, Leo give your sister back her doll and Lyra say sorry to your Brother. Now lets all go sit down and eat breakfast. i dont want to hear one more word about this fight".

Both twins looked up at her before quickly doing as she said. An angry Hermione was not something they wanted in the morning. Hermione nodded her approval before putting Orion down is his chair and headed to the stove.

Mixing up a quick batch of pancake batter, she took out her wand, waving at the stove and muttering a spell. She then sat down at the table and gave a little chuckle at her kids awestruck faces.

The family ate breakfast together, talking and laughing. The letter left on the counter, forgotten for now.


That's the first chapter, hope you guys liked it. Please vote and comment!!


A Hogwarts ReunionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora