Chapter 2: Happy Birthday Evelyn

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*bzzt* *bzzt* *bzzt*... I woke up to my alarm signaling that I needed to wake up for school. I wish I could stay home on my birthday, but my mom had already told me that I should always attend school when I am able-bodied. She has always had a thing for perfect attendance from me; she believes it makes you succeed in school, which I really cannot argue with, considering that I am a straight-A student.

    I got up out of my bed and headed to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I stared in the mirror for a little taking notice of my blue eyes and dark brown wavy hair. I always have loved these features about me. My parents had always told me that I was gorgeous, which made me feel good, but sometimes I look at myself as average, which is beside the point. I went back to my room to pick out some clothes to wear. I threw on a pair of ripped jeans and a striped-pocket t-shirt. I then laced up my black and white converse. I proceeded to brush my hair and put it in a high ponytail.

    "Evelyn, come down and get your breakfast before you go to school!" My mom shouted.

    I ran down the stairs into the kitchen.

    "Happy birthday Evelyn!" exclaimed both of my parents. They gave me a bouquet of flowers and greeted me with a giant waffle with fruits on it. The fruits were arranged in the number 16, which of course, made me smile. I quickly ate my waffle and took my plate to the sink. My mom greeted me over at the sink and began talking to me.

    "So what does my girl want to do for her sweet 16?"

    "I do not know mom, maybe just hang out with Laura and Braxton at the skating rink?"

     "You know me and your father will be there too!"

    "Yeah, of course, mom. I always expect you guys to be there wherever I go."

    "It is just for your safety, sweetie."

    "Of course, but sometimes I want to be able to hang out with my friends. You know the way normal teenagers do? You know, without supervision."

    "I get it, but this world is completely different than before. Each day you step outside, you put yourself at risk, especially since you are a beautiful young lady. Back in my day, we could practically sleep with our doors unlocked and not have to worry about a thing."

Oh great, this lecture again-

    "I know, mom. I guess seeing my friends get to hang out without their parents around makes me wish I could do the same. I get it, though, I guess. Alright, well, I am going to head off to school."

    We hugged each other goodbye, and then I hugged my dad before grabbing my keys and heading out to my car. I drive an old beat-up 2007 Honda Accord. Thankfully it is a reliable car, and I do genuinely love it. I wonder if my parents are going to get me a new car this year, to be honest. This thought led me back to the conversation I overheard last night between my parents. The question still buzzed in my head about whether or not I will get a new phone.

    I arrived at school, where Laura was on the steps waiting on me like usual.

    "Hey, Laura!"

    "Hey, birthday girl! How are you today?"

    "I am great!"

    "How does it feel to be 16 years old now?"

    "No difference, same old same old with parents. You know, the usual "back in my day" lecture."

    "I am sorry, girl, maybe with time, you will be able to go out on your own."

    We walked off to class. Laura has been my best friend since 7th grade, and she knows me the way nobody else does. I feel as if we should be sisters! Once we arrived at our math class, I saw Braxton. I think he is beyond attractive; he has these beautiful hazel eyes and dark brown curly hair. I have liked him for the longest time, and he seems flirty with me, but I would not want to ruin our friendship by making things awkward just in case I am picking up the wrong signals. I went and sat beside him.

    "Happy birthday Evelyn. What are your plans for tonight?"

    "Well, I had planned on asking you and Laura to come to the skating rink with me, and maybe just maybe, I could convince my parents to take us to Kimono."

    "Aw sick, their teriyaki chicken is absolutely amazing!"

    Laura then chimed in, "If you are not getting the hibachi shrimp, you are missing out big time."

    "Well, regardless of what you guys get to eat, I am so excited to hang out with the both of you," I exclaimed.

    The bell rang, signaling for classes to begin. We went about our regular routine; all three of us had just about every class together except for one. The bell rang again, letting us know we had made it to the end of the day. Me, Braxton, and Laura all met on the steps.

    "So Laura, are you coming to my house to help me pick out clothes?"

    "You know it, girl, I am going to run home and grab my clothes, then I will meet you at your house."

    "Sounds great!"

Laura left to get in her car; she drives a fancy, white BMW. I then turned to face Braxton. His gaze fell upon mine, and he just smiled at me. I could not help but feel butterflies in my stomach.

    "So Evelyn, what time can I expect to meet you tonight?"

    "You wanna meet us at 7?" I said, smiling.

    "The sounds great. I cannot wait to see you."

    I could feel my cheeks turning red and hot. I watched him walk away and get inside of his black mustang. It was such a fitting car for him. I then decided to head home and wait for Laura to get there.

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