Chapter 3: A Beautiful Black Dress

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I pulled up to my house and went inside. I ran up the stairs to my room and started to pick up a few things off the floor since I knew Laura was going to be heading over here. After picking up my items and placing them in their correct area, I plopped down on my bed and relaxed. I started to think again about what my parents could have gotten me for my birthday. I wonder if it is the new iPhone 8. Like that would ever happen, I chuckled to myself. I have better luck getting a new car. After some more time passed,  I heard the doorbell ring.

    "Evelyn! Laura is down here."

    "Send her on up, mom. I am in my room!"

    I heard footsteps going up the stairs, followed by a faint knock on my door.

    "Come in!"

    Suddenly my door flung wide open, and Laura rushed in to hug me. I admired the outfit she had chosen for herself. She had on a black pair of skinny jeans with a designer belt wrapped around her waist,  an army green polo shirt with white buttons, and finally, on her feet, she had a nice white pair of Nike Air Force 1s; I loved those shoes, I have a pair of them, but they ended up busted and dirty. I smiled at Laura,

    "Girl, I love your outfit so much!" I exclaimed.

    "Thanks, girl, but right now, it is not about me; let's get an outfit picked out for you."

    "Alright, girly, you know the way to the closet."

    I sat on my desk chair and waited for her to grab some outfits. First, she brought out a blue jean skirt and a white shirt with a rainbow embroidered on the right corner. While I did enjoy this outfit, I did not feel it radiated birthday girl energy. Next, she pulled out a beautiful black midi dress with silver sparkles around the bottom of the dress. As the light hit it, you could see it shimmer. My eyes lit up in excitement.

    "Laura, this is perfect!"

    Laura smiled at me, "you know I have an eye for fashion. Also, I want you to look perfect for Braxton tonight." her smile turned into a smirk.


    She giggled. "WHAT?"

    I just looked back at her, and I could not help to form a smile on my face and laugh, "Oh, nothing."

"Come on! You know Braxton has the hots for you. He practically sits in class and drools over you."

I laughed and blushed, "Yeah, sure he does."

    I walked out of my bedroom, entered the bathroom, slid my dress on, and looked in the mirror. I smiled; this dress made me feel beyond beautiful. I decided to do my hair up into cute french braid pigtails. I then decided to finish my look with bright red lipstick. After finishing up in the bathroom, I walked back to my room where Laura was sitting. I entered the door, and Laura's eyes lit up.

    "OH MY GOSH, EVELYN! You look stunning."

    "Thank you so much. I hope Braxton likes this outfit."

"All I can say is I hope you bring a pair of rain boots because the way he will drool over you tonight will create puddles all around the skating rink."

    About that time, my dad called for us to get ready to head out to the car. Laura and I ran down the stairs and stopped in the kitchen where my parents were.

    "EVELYN! What do you have on?" my mom asked in shock.

    I smiled. "Laura helped me pick it out."

    "I do not find that appropriate at all! What were you thinking when you bought that dress? And better yet, where did you get it?"

Little did she know one of my school friends gave me this when we did a gift exchange for our friend group a few months back. I avoided the question and went straight to begging her to let me wear it.

    "Come on, mom, please let me wear it; it is my birthday, after all."

    My mom shook her head at me.

    "Fine, but after tonight you are getting rid of it." She growled.

    Laura and I walked out to my parents' nice Chevrolet Tahoe SUV.

    "You know Evelyn, your mom is nice, but I thought she would at least like the outfit."

    I frowned at her, "I thought so too. I wish she got it. I want to grow up normally like all of you guys! I do not get why she cannot just let me live for once."

    "It is okay, Evelyn; maybe she will ease up as time goes on."

    "Yeah, that will be the day! I do not even have a phone yet!" I said sarcastically.

    "Well, let's just focus on tonight for now and have some fun."

    I smiled and nodded in agreement. My parents entered the car, got in, and shut their doors. We then took off in the car over to the skating rink.

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