Starting Fresh

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Hey guys!

So I had other stories but they were unbearably bad, so I deleted them.

This story I hope will be more popular than my past ones. This chapter is very short but that's because it's the introductory chapter. Anyway, read on!


The train's steel carriage rocked and jolted on the uneven track. The harsh screeches of wheels against metal surrounded me and I opened my eyes, unable to rest with the loud disturbance. The windows were frosted and a young child a few seats away drew faces using his chubby finger. The faint outline of the dark green forest was visible through them. The distinct noise of the train intercom announced the arrival of the upcoming station. As the train jerked to a stop, the majority of passengers rose, collected their bags and walked out onto the platform.

I wrapped my scarf tighter around my neck and rubbed my hands together as the automatic doors let the chilly evening air into the small, now almost empty space. The doors soon closed and the train rattled back into movement.

It was now only I and an old man left in the carriage. He was leaning against the seat with his eyes focused on the newspaper on his lap. His slightly vintage jacket sat over the many other layers he surely would be wearing. We would be getting off at the same stop, as it was the only stop remaining.

The train was traveling towards the small town of Forget (pronounced for-jay), in Saskatchewan, Canada. It was winter and had recently been snowing. The train had been delayed, as their was snow covering the tracks that had to be cleared. I was estimating that we would arrive in 17 minutes. I know that's very precise, I had to entertain myself with something. I gradually began recognising more of the scenery. This was my home town you see. I left three years ago to study at medical school, but after one year decided it wasn't how I wanted to spend the rest of my life. So I left the city, and did some traveling by myself to get some inspiration. So far I had a few ideas but nothing strong. While I was taking a break, I decided to go visit my parents and grandparents in my home town to hopefully get some fresh thoughts, which I so desperately needed. At the age 23, I really needed to get a hold on my life. I had no really close family, I left all my friends back at med school, I wasn't in a relationship, I wasn't working and I didn't know what career path to take. I was slightly disgusted with myself. I mean, seriously! I was intelligent and had had an expensive education, I had a good upbringing, I wasn't low on money... yet here I was; a mess on a train, running back to her parents. The bird, who although it left the nest, never really learnt how to fly.


If you're reading this, thank you for reading to the end!

I know it was probably really bad, however future chapters will be better once I get a feel of where I want to go with this story. Please like this chapter if you think it's worth it, and comment anything you want. Thanks so much guys!

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