An Old Friend

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Chapter 2: An Old Friend

After the hour and a half long journey, I was finally able to step off that stupid train into the crisp air and stretch my legs. My butt was flat from sitting for so long and my bags felt like ten kilogram weights.

I made my way to the road near the station and sat down on a bench. Sighing, I put my head in my hands, letting my red hair form a curtain around my face and imagined the disappointment of my parents faces. Their daughter; one of the best results in the final year of exams, offered a scholarship at one of the best medical schools in all of America, left her family to study for five years, destined for greatness, yet quits after four years because she decides it's not her dream job? What is that?! I could have been so successful! Ugh! What the hell was I thinking!? I could have made so much money, met a guy, married, started a family, lived out the perfect life, but I threw it all away for what? Nothing! There was nothing for me to do or go to, I didn't have a different career choice in mind. I just threw it away because it wasn't what I wanted. How an earth am I gonna explain that to my parents? My god...

I lifted my head when I heard a car pulling up on the curb beside me. I was surprised to find a beat-up grey truck parked there, not a taxi. I watched as the drivers window rolled down to reveal a smokin' hot guy of around my age, a cigarette between his teeth. His short, dark hair and cowboy hat was a total turn on. He wore faded ripped jeans and a blue shirt. His gaze barely even registered me.

"Hop in." He commanded in a sexy southern drawl.

"What? Are you sure? I mean, you don't know me or anything." I stuttered, nervous to be getting in his car.

Taking the cigarette out of his mouth, he turned his head towards me and gave me a look of amusement mixed with slight annoyance.

"Listen girly, I don't have time to be playing around. If you want a ride, get in. If you haven't noticed it's getting dark and I'm sure we both have places to be. If you don't want a lift, fine."

Slightly stunned, I replied by walking around his car and into the passenger seat, after lugging my bags into the boot.

"Thanks." I muttered.

He nodded and concentrated on getting back on the road, putting the rickety car in motion.

We drove for about 25 minutes, all the while me giving directions to my house. When we got to the end of the street, I told him it was fine to stop; I didn't want knowing exactly where I was staying, just in case he was...y'know, dodgy. The car's engine halted and he parked against the curb.

"Thank-you, again." I turned to open the door. It was locked.

"Oh, err, sorry, but the doors are locked." I told him, hoping it was just a mistake.

"Yeah, I know." He replied casually.

I sat in nervous silence, waiting for him to give an explanation on why he wasn't unlocking the doors.

"...Could you?" I requested.

"First, I wanna know who you are and why you're here. Everyone knows everyone in this town, I haven't seen you here before. What's your business?"

"Oh! I, um- I'm Emily. Emily Johnson? I lived here growing up. I left a few years ago to go to university in New York on a scholarship."

"Ahh!" His previously blank features took on a look on recognition. "I know you. You know me!"

"I- I do?" I questioned.

"We used to play together on my farm as kids. Jared Parker?"

Suddenly I knew why I loved that southern accent so much, it was practically my whole childhood.

"Oh my god! Jared!" I leant over and gave him a huge hug. "I didn't even recognise you! Wow, you've changed so much! My god, It's only been four years! It feels like it's been forever!"

"Yeah, but we didn't see each other that much in the few of years before you left. Y'know, I had work on my farm, you were busy studying for exams and all that stuff. You've changed too. Lost that puppy fat, got proper boobs, you were quite a late developer, won't you?" He chuckled at his own joke, while I sat there, flustered.

"Jared!" I scolded, "That's creepy!"

"Why're you back here anyway princess?" He questioned, using his old nickname for me. "I thought you'd be gone for another year or so."

"I'll explain to you later, it's kind of a long story." I lied. "I better go in, the train was late to start with."

"Sure thing. I'll see ya 'round, I'm sure."

He let me hop out and after grabbing my bags from the back, drove off with a wave.

Gosh, he really had improved on the looks department, I thought.

My mind turned to the task ahead of me; now to face my parents.


Thanks for reading guys!

If you thought it was good, please give me a vote to help kickstart this book, it's really hard when you first put a book out on the market.

This chapter is split into two, so the next part is coming soon!


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