Chapter Seven

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Hogwarts was a rush of students, both new and ones returning, their black cloaks sweeping through the halls, filling the corridors with excited chatter and the rustling of fabric as they shuffled into the Great Hall. All of them were eager to begin the year, and especially happy to see their various friends again, as well as the wrinkled but smiling face of Headmistress McGonagall. Strict but proud, they were just as delighted to see her for another year as she was to see them.

The teachers had begun to take their seats, having already had time to privately to catch up with one another beforehand, and Hermione was sliding into her seat next to Hagrid, who beamed every time he saw her. He always said how proud he was to see her grow up into such a fine young witch. He always lied when he said his eyes weren't shining with tears. After the battle in the courtyard against Voldemort, once all the Death Eaters had either been killed or arrested and sent off to Azkaban, Hagrid remained a teacher at Hogwarts, living in his stone hut on the grounds. He held his title as gamekeeper, and still taught Care of Magical Creatures.

Ginny took a seat on the other side of Hermione, squeezing her hand in hello. She had been busy while all the teachers had their pre-feast reunion, and Hermione hadn't had the chance to catch her before the dinner had begun to start. With a quick smile, she gave her friend a brief hug, allowing her gaze to dip to Ginny's hand, checking to see if her finger will still bare of Harry's ring. It was.

All the students bustled through the hall, taking their seats as the teachers did, and house prefects ensured everybody was where they were supposed to be. First years looked up wide eyed at the platform, turning their heads in awe as they looked up at the massive room as they huddle close together. Every single one of them was a squirming bundle of nerves and eagerness, waiting anxiously for what was to happen next. Many of them already knew, while others were muggle born children and did not know about the magical experiences that awaited them in these hallowed halls.

As McGonagall approached the podium to open with a welcoming speech, a door to Hermione's left, clear on the other side of the dais they all sat upon, creaked open. A pale face and white hair bobbed over the heads of the other teachers sitting down at the table and she craned her neck to see who it was, but didn't catch sight until he took an empty seat on the far end. His face was set in a glower, his entire presence like a ghost of Professor Snape. Draco Malfoy blinked out at the students, narrowing his eyes at one that dared to stare at him for too long.

"Is that- Draco Malfoy?" Ginny hissed in shock to Hermione.

"So it seems," Hermione replied back quietly. Both irritation and surprise sparked in her at his being there. Irritation because of his behavior last night, his little remarks- and the fact that he did not tell her was going to be here. Why was he here?

"Blimey, is that Draco? He certainly looks like a man now," Hagrid huffed from the other side of her. "No more of that snivelin' kid, now is there?

She didn't respond as the room quieted, didn't look in his direction, not to see if he was staring down the table at her or not, or if he could hear Hagrid. She looked forward instead, waiting for McGonagall to begin her speech, and then she could watch the Sorting ceremony. Their delighted little faces brought warmth to her heart when they were told what House they were in, and it never failed to bring back bittersweet memories of days that were simpler than the rest of her school years. Back before any of them had died.

"Oh, welcome, students, welcome!" McGonagall announced excitedly to the room. "I am your Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall, and I am delighted to welcome each and every one of you. I see many familiar faces, but also new ones, as it is the start of a new year. Now, the feast will begin shortly, but first, you will be sorted into your houses, of which there are four. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. The Sorting ceremony is very important because, while you are here at Hogwarts, your House will be like your family."

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