Chapter 15

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A/N: I just want to inform/warn you guys that this one is pretty long and I added a few pictures, lol. I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to vote and comment, thanks. 

The next morning, I woke up with a smile on my face. I stretch and glance out the window to see puffy white clouds moving slowly across the beautiful blue sky. I'm about to get out of bed when my phone goes off with a text from Laurent. Good morning my love, I hope you slept well, I didn't because you weren't in my arms. I hope you're packed and ready because I'll be there to pick you up around 1 pm. I can't wait to see you, baby. I love you more than you will ever know. Talk to you soon ma reine. After sending him a quick text, I get out of bed and am heading for the shower when a wave of nausea hits me. Slapping my hand over my mouth, I scramble to the bathroom just in time for last night's dinner to make an appearance. After brushing my teeth, I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to put the kettle on. While waiting, I called my doctor to set up an appointment; as luck would have it, she can see me this morning at eight-thirty. I fix a cup of tea, taking it to my bedroom so that I can get dressed. I quickly shower and lotion my body before getting dressed. 

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I brush my hair, let it fall down my back, and apply minimal makeup before moving to my walk-in closet to spritz on one of Laurent's favorite scents

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I brush my hair, let it fall down my back, and apply minimal makeup before moving to my walk-in closet to spritz on one of Laurent's favorite scents. Grabbing my phone and purse, I pick up my mug and head downstairs, picking up my keys, and heading out the door. Locking up, I get into my car and head to my appointment. When I arrive, I am immediately taken to a room in the back and after a five-minute wait, Aundrea, my doctor walks in. "Good morning Dei'ani, to what do I owe the pleasure, didn't we just see each other about seven months ago? You have a few months before we have to see each other again." Giving her a small smile, I shook my head and went on to explain what was going on. Nodding understandingly, she grabs her clipboard, taking notes. She left, while I climb onto the exam table, letting me know she'd be right back. After settling myself on the table, I sit waiting for her to return. Aundrea steps back into the room along with a nurse who proceeds to take a sample of blood and hands me a plastic cup. Aundrea asks me a few questions, taking notes as she did then directs me to the bathroom. When I'm done, I bring the sample back to the room and wait.

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